FME Transformers: 2025.0
List of Transformers
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Transformer | Categories | Transformer Summaries |
2DArcReplacer |
Replaces or creates feature geometry with a 2D arc as defined in parameters for center point, radii, angles, and rotation. |
2DBoxReplacer |
Replaces feature geometry with a 2D box defined by specified minimum and maximum x and y values. |
2DEllipseReplacer |
Replaces or creates feature geometry with a 2D ellipse as defined in parameters for center point, radii, and rotation. |
2DForcer |
Removes z coordinates from features. |
2DGridAccumulator |
Creates a regular grid of points or rectangular polygons that span the extents of all input features. |
2DGridCreator |
Creates a regular grid of points or rectangular polygons of a specified size, position, and coordinate system. |
3DAffiner |
Performs a 3D affine transformation (such as offset, rotate, or scale) on the coordinates of the feature. |
3DArcReplacer |
Replaces the geometry of the feature with a three-dimensional arc whose shape is set by the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or the values of existing attributes. |
3DForcer |
Adds z coordinates to features, creating or modifying 3D geometry. |
3DInterpolator |
Interpolates elevation values along a non-aggregated linear feature from a starting value to an ending value. |
3DRotator |
Rotates features according to the right hand rule, and in a counter-clockwise direction about the specified axis of rotation. |
Affiner |
Performs an affine transformation (such as offset, rotate, or scale) on the coordinates of the feature. |
AffineWarper |
Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to adjust a set of observed input features according to a spatial transform defined by a set of control vectors. |
AggregateFilter |
Routes features differently depending on if their geometry consists of an aggregate of several geometries, or if it is a simple, single piece geometry. |
Aggregator |
Combines feature geometries into heterogeneous or homogeneous aggregates. Alternatively, combines feature attributes without any geometry. |
AmazonAthenaConnector |
Accesses Amazon’s Athena service to run queries on S3 datasets. |
AnchoredSnapper |
Brings lines, segments, end points or vertex points of features together if they are within a certain distance of each other, where one set of features is non-moving. |
AngleConverter |
Converts angles of a feature's geometry and/or attributes from one representation to another. |
AngularityCalculator |
Calculates the "angularity" of a linear or area feature. Angularity indicates the degree of curvature of a feature. The higher the value, the more curved its geometry. |
AppearanceExtractor |
Extracts appearance style(s) from the front and/or back side of the geometries. |
AppearanceMerger |
Sets the front and/or back appearance style(s) of specified geometries to be identical to a specific source geometry. |
AppearanceRemover |
Removes appearances from the front and/or back side of geometries. |
AppearanceSetter |
Sets appearance style(s) onto the front and/or back sides of geometries. |
AppearanceStyler |
Creates an appearance style that can later be applied to a surface. |
ArcEstimator |
Replaces geometry with an arc described by the first, middle, and last vertices of the input feature. |
ArcGISGridSnapper |
Simulates the Geodatabase conversion on a feature by snapping its vertices to a grid based on the associated feature class' storage resolution and origin. |
ArcGISOnlineConnector |
Accesses Esri ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS to upload, manage, update, download, delete, publish, share, or list information about items from an Esri ArcGIS account. |
ArcPropertyExtractor |
Extracts the properties of arc geometry, storing the resulting values as attributes. |
ArcPropertySetter |
Modifies or creates arc geometry according to new coordinates, angles, radii, or rotation values. |
ArcStroker |
Replaces arc or ellipse geometry with interpolated straight line segments. |
AreaAmalgamator |
Generalizes area geometry by connecting and combining neighboring features and/or filling in holes and details. |
AreaBuilder |
Creates polygons from topologically correct linear features. |
AreaCalculator |
Calculates the planar or sloped area of polygon geometries and adds the results as attributes. |
AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner |
Repairs area topologies by resolving gaps and overlaps between adjacent areas. |
AreaOnAreaOverlayer |
Overlays areas on areas, intersecting geometry and sharing attributes. |
AttributeCompressor |
Compresses and (optionally) encrypts the values of the specified attributes. The compressed and encrypted attribute values can be decompressed and decrypted using the AttributeDecompressor. |
AttributeCopier |
Copies existing attributes to new attributes with user-specified names. The existing attribute remains intact and a new attribute is created that has a different name, but the same values. |
AttributeCreator |
Adds one or more attributes to features, optionally assigning values. Values may reference adjacent features. |
AttributeDecompressor |
Decompresses and decrypts the values of the specified attributes that were compressed by the AttributeCompressor. |
AttributeDereferencer |
Sets an attribute value by following a reference from one attribute to another, where the first attribute contains the name of the desired (second) attribute. The referenced value is retrieved and assigned to a new attribute. |
AttributeEncoder |
Encodes the values of the specified attributes to the desired encoding. If the incoming attribute is Null, the type of the attribute will be set to the desired encoding but the output value will be Null. |
AttributeExploder |
Creates value pairs (attribute name and attribute value) for every attribute on a feature, and either adds them to a list attribute or creates new features (one for each pair) with new attributes containing both values. |
AttributeExposer |
Exposes attributes so they can be accessed by downstream transformers and writers. |
AttributeFileReader |
Reads the contents of an external text or binary file and attaches it to a feature as the value of an attribute. |
AttributeFileWriter |
Writes the contents of an attribute to a text or binary file. |
AttributeFilter |
Routes features to different output ports depending on the value of an attribute. The set of possible attribute values can be entered manually, or extracted from an input source in the properties dialog. |
AttributeKeeper |
Removes all attributes and list attributes, except the specific ones you specify to be retained. |
AttributeManager |
Alters one or more attributes by adding, renaming, copying, deleting or re-ordering. Sets values for new, existing, and modified attributes to any combination of constants, attribute values, conditionals, expressions, and parameters. Values can reference adjacent features. |
AttributePivoter |
Restructures and regroups incoming features based on specified Group By attributes and calculates summary statistics to form a Pivot table output. |
AttributeRangeFilter |
Routes features based on user-defined numeric value ranges. |
AttributeRangeMapper |
Classifies features according to user-defined numeric value ranges, adding a new attribute containing the name of the range it falls within. |
AttributeRemover |
Removes the selected attributes and list attributes from the feature. |
AttributeRenamer |
Renames one or more attributes, retaining the attribute’s current values. |
AttributeReprojector |
Reprojects x and y coordinates stored as attributes from one coordinate system to another. |
AttributeRounder |
Rounds off attributes with numeric values to the specified number of decimal places. Rounding may be nearest, up, or down. |
AttributeSplitter |
Splits attribute values into parts, based on a delimiter or fixed-width pattern, and creates a list attribute containing one list element for each part. |
AttributeTrimmer |
Removes specified leading and trailing characters from selected attributes. |
AttributeValidator |
Validates any number of attributes against user-defined test conditions, routing the feature according to the outcome of the test(s) and identifying any tests it has failed. |
AttributeValueMapper |
Compares attribute values to a lookup table and assigns new values where matches are found. Mapped values may be stored in a new attribute, or overwrite an existing attribute, including the original source. |
AutodeskBIM360DocsConnector |
(Deprecated) Accesses BIM 360 Docs and Autodesk Construction Cloud to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information. |
AutodeskDocsConnector |
Accesses Autodesk Docs, Autodesk Construction Cloud or BIM 360 Document to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information. |
AWSIoTConnector |
Connects to the AWS IoT Core messaging broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. |
AzureBlobStorageConnector |
Accesses the Azure Blob Storage file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure account. |
AzureComputerVisionConnector |
Accesses the Azure Computer Vision Service to detect objects in images. |
AzureEventHubsConnector |
Accesses the Azure Event Hubs to send, receive, or checkpoint messages. |
AzureFileStorageConnector |
Accesses the Azure File Storage file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure account. |
AzureIoTConnector |
Connects to Azure’s IoT Hub through the MQTT protocol. Supports publishing device-to-cloud messages and receiving cloud-to-device messages as a device. |
AzureQueueStorageConnector |
Accesses the Azure Queue Storage service to send or receive messages. |
AzureServiceBusConnector |
Connects to Microsoft Azure Service Bus. |
AzureTextAnalyticsConnector |
Accesses Azure’s Text Analytics Service for natural language processing on text. |
BaseConverter |
Converts an attribute's value from one numeric system (base) to another, putting the resulting value in a new attribute. |
BinaryDecoder |
Decodes Base64 or HEX text to binary data. |
BinaryEncoder |
Encodes binary data to text using Base64 or HEX encoding methods. The transformer can convert attributes that contain any type of data. This is useful when a binary file, such as an image, must be included in a text file. |
BoundingBoxAccumulator |
Creates a rectangular polygon that spans the extents of all input features. |
BoundingBoxReplacer |
Replaces feature geometry with a box or cube that spans the extents of the feature. |
BoundsExtractor |
Extracts a feature’s minimum and maximum coordinate values into attributes. |
BoxConnector |
Accesses the Box file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from a Box account. |
Bufferer |
Creates a buffer zone of specified size around or inside input geometry. |
BulkAttributeRemover |
Removes all attributes with names that match a given regular expression. This transformer can be used to remove large numbers of attributes that have common naming patterns. |
BulkAttributeRenamer |
Renames attributes by adding or removing prefixes or suffixes, or replacing text using regular expressions or character strings. This transformer is useful if you need to quickly rename all (or many) of your attributes. |
CenterlineReplacer |
Replaces area geometry with its centerline or straight skeleton. |
CenterPointExtractor |
Extracts the coordinates of a point located within the feature, its bounding box, or at its center of mass, and stores them as attributes. |
CenterPointReplacer |
Replaces feature geometry with a point located within the feature, its bounding box, or at its center of mass. |
CesiumIonConnector |
Uploads a folder dataset to the Cesium ion service as a new asset. |
ChangeDetector |
Detects changes between two sets of input features. |
CharacterCodeExtractor |
Extracts the character code of the first character in the input string attribute, and adds its integer value in the character set to the feature as another attribute. |
CharacterCodeReplacer |
Sets the result attribute to the character whose numeric code was contained in the source code attribute (or the entered integer). |
ChartGenerator |
Creates a raster Line, Bar, Scatter, Histogram or Pie chart based on the values of selected attributes, featuring an interactive interface that allows the user to preview selected features with sample data while designing the layout of their chart. |
Chopper |
Chops line, arc, path, or area features into smaller features based on number of vertices or approximate length. |
CircularityCalculator |
Calculates the "circularity" of an area feature, which indicates how elongated the feature is. |
CityEngineModelGenerator |
Generates 3D models from input geometries and ArcGIS CityEngine rule packages (*.rpk). |
CKANConnector |
Connects to a CKAN open data portal using the CKAN Action REST API. Supports reading and writing CKAN Dataset and Resource metadata, downloading of file-based Resources, and uploading files to the CKAN FileStore. Does not support row-based operations against CKAN DataStore Resources. |
Classifier |
Sorts and groups features into a number of classes based on an attribute value, storing their class ID in a specified output attribute. |
Clipper |
Divides Candidate features using Clipper features, so that Candidates and parts of Candidates that are inside or outside of the Clipper features are output separately. Attributes may be shared between objects (spatial join). |
Cloner |
Makes the specified number of copies of the input features and outputs all copies through its single output port. |
ClosedCurveFilter |
Checks if curves form closed loops. |
CommonLocalReprojector |
Reprojects one or more features to a local coordinate system centered on the bounding box containing all features. |
CommonSegmentFinder |
Identifies Candidate features with any line segment in common with any Base feature. |
ComprehendConnector |
Accesses the Amazon AI Comprehend Service for natural language processing on text. |
ContourGenerator |
Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. Contour lines are then generated from the triangulation. |
ConvexityFilter |
Determines whether areas, surfaces, and solids are convex or concave. |
CoordinateConcatenator |
Retrieves the values of all the feature's coordinates into a single string attribute value, separated by delimiters. |
CoordinateExtractor |
Retrieves either specified individual coordinates or all coordinate values from geometry, adding them to the feature as attributes. |
CoordinateRounder |
Rounds off the coordinates of the feature to the specified number of decimal places. |
CoordinateSwapper |
Swaps coordinate axes of the input features. |
CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter |
Looks up coordinate system names and definitions between FME’s internal format and common third-party and open source representations, storing the results as an attribute. |
CoordinateSystemExtractor |
Retrieves the name of the feature's assigned FME coordinate system into an attribute. |
CoordinateSystemRemover |
Removes the assigned coordinate system from features, without modifying geometry or coordinates. |
CoordinateSystemSetter |
Assigns a user-specified coordinate system to features, without modifying geometry or coordinates. |
Counter |
Adds a numeric attribute to a feature and assigns a value. Each subsequent feature passing through the transformer receives an incremented value, counting the features. |
CRCCalculator |
Calculates a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value for a feature and places the calculated CRC value into the attribute specified. |
Creator |
Creates features using the parameters supplied, and sends them into the workspace for processing. |
CSGBuilder |
Creates Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) from pairs of solid geometry features which are input through the A and B ports. |
CSGEvaluator |
Recursively replaces the geometry of a feature that has CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) by evaluating the tree of the CSG solid, effectively removing the constructive aspect of the geometry. |
CsmapAttributeReprojector |
Reprojects coordinates stored as attributes from one coordinate system to another using the CS-MAP library. |
CsmapReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the CS-MAP library. |
Curvefitter |
Replaces geometry with an optimal path of line segments and arcs, creating smooth, curving lines and areas. |
DatabaseDeleter |
Delete rows in a database table based on the condition specified. |
DatabaseJoiner |
Joins attributes from an external table to features already in a workspace, based on a common key or keys. |
DatabaseUpdater |
Update fields in a database table based on the condition specified. |
DateTimeCalculator |
Performs arithmetic on date, time, datetime, and interval values. |
DateTimeConverter |
Converts a set of input date/time attributes from one format to another, in place. |
DateTimeRounder |
Rounds a DateTime value’s day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond to a specified interval. |
DateTimeStamper |
Adds a timestamp to a feature as a new attribute in the form of a date, time (with or without UTC offset), or datetime (with or without UTC offset), in local or UTC time. |
Deaggregator |
Decomposes an aggregate feature into its components. |
Decelerator |
Slows down the flow of features through the workspace. |
DecimalDegreesCalculator |
Calculates a decimal degree value from separate degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) values, provided as attributes. |
DEMDistanceCalculator |
Calculates the distance between a number of input vector lines and the elevation values of a reference DEM raster, and outputs a new DEM raster per input line. |
DEMGenerator |
Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. That triangulation is then uniformly sampled to produce a digital elevation model (DEM points). |
Densifier |
Adds vertices to linear features at regular intervals. |
DensityCalculator |
Determines the density of a group of Candidate features. |
DGNStyler |
Prepares features for output to Bentley Microstation Design V7/V8 by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of Bentley Microstation Design format-specific attributes. |
DimensionExtractor |
Extracts a feature’s number of dimensions, storing the resulting value of 2 or 3 in an attribute. |
DirectTweeter |
Sends a Twitter™ direct message from FME. |
Displacer |
Solves proximity conflicts between features using a variant of the Nickerson displacement algorithm. This transformer is usually used after generalization. |
Dissolver |
Combines overlapping and/or adjacent areas into larger contiguous areas by removing shared and interior edges. |
DMSCalculator |
Calculates degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) from a decimal degrees value provided as an attribute. |
DonutBridgeBuilder |
Adds internal edges to connect donut holes to the outer shell, producing a non-donut polygon. |
DonutBuilder |
Cuts holes in area features where they fully enclose another area, creating donut polygons. |
DonutHoleExtractor |
Separates donut polygons into outer shell and hole polygons. |
DropboxConnector |
Accesses the Dropbox file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Dropbox account. |
DuplicateFilter |
Detects duplicate features based on the value of one or more key attributes. |
DWGStyler |
Prepares features for output to AutoCAD DWG/DXF by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of AutoCAD DWG/DXF format-specific attributes. |
ElevationExtractor |
Extracts a feature’s first z coordinate value, storing it in an attribute. |
EllipsePropertyExtractor |
Extracts the properties of ellipse geometry, storing the resulting values as attributes. |
EllipsePropertySetter |
Modifies or creates ellipse geometry according to new coordinate, radii, rotation, or orientation values. |
Emailer |
Sends one email per input feature via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Gmail, or Microsoft Mail. Both HTML and Plain Text emails may be sent, each with one or more attachments. |
EnvironmentVariableFetcher |
Fetches the specified environment variable and includes it in a new attribute. |
EsriReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the Esri reprojection engine. |
EthereumConnector |
Interacts with the Ethereum blockchain network. The functions include reading transaction, address, or block information, sending transactions, or interaction with deployed contracts. |
ExcelStyler |
Sets Excel row and cell styling using attributes on output features destined for the Excel Writer. |
ExpressionEvaluator |
Performs a mathematical calculation on an expression that consists of FME Feature Functions, String Functions, Math Functions, and Math Operators. The operands and function arguments consist of attributes on the input feature, constant literals, published and private parameters, as well as functions and operators. |
Extruder |
Creates line, surface or solid geometries with a fixed cross-sectional profile taken from the original geometry of the feature. |
FaceReplacer |
Replaces the geometry of a feature from donut, raster, or polygon to face. If the donut or polygon is not already three-dimensional, a 0.0 value for Z coordinates is assumed. |
FeatureColorSetter |
Assigns colors to incoming features. |
FeatureHolder |
Stores incoming features until they have all arrived, and then releases them in their original order. |
FeatureJoiner |
Joins features by combining the attributes and/or geometry of features based on common key attribute values. Performs Left, Inner, and Full joins. |
FeatureMerger |
Merges the attributes and/or geometry of one set of features onto another set of features, based on matching key attribute values and expressions. |
FeatureReader |
Reads features from any FME-supported format. |
FeatureTypeExtractor |
Adds an attribute containing the original feature type of a feature. |
FeatureTypeFilter |
Routes input features to different output ports based on their original feature type. |
FeatureWriter |
Writes features to any FME-supported writer. |
FilenamePartExtractor |
Extracts specified parts of a filename path and returns the results as string attributes. |
FMEFlowJobSubmitter |
Submits FME jobs to be run on FME Flow. A job consists of a workspace (housed within a repository on FME Flow) together with values for each of its published parameters. |
FMEFlowNotifier |
Sends a notification to a specified FME Flow instance. |
FMEFunctionCaller |
Calls a specified FME function, optionally storing the resulting value in an attribute. |
FTPCaller |
Uploads and downloads data from an FTP server. The transformer allows uploads from attribute values or from a file. Remote files may be downloaded into a local file, or into a feature attribute. The transformer also supports deleting remote files. |
Generalizer |
Transforms or measures geometry features based on a specified algorithm. |
Geocoder |
Uses various external web services to convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates, or to find the closest addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates (reverse geocode). Some services have additional information available, such as time zone or elevation. |
GeometryCoercer |
Resets the geometry type of the feature. |
GeometryColorSetter |
Sets colors, via appearances, on geometries (such as surfaces) that support appearances, and match a Geometry XQuery. |
GeometryExtractor |
Extracts the geometry of a feature according to the setting of the geometry encoding parameter. |
GeometryFilter |
Routes features based on their geometry type. |
GeometryInstantiator |
Replaces a geometry definition with independent geometry instances that are copies of the original geometry definition. |
GeometryNameExtractor |
Extracts the geometry name to feature attributes. |
GeometryNameSetter |
Sets specified geometry name from feature attribute or constant. |
GeometryPartCounter |
Returns the number of parts in the geometry. For multis and aggregates, this is the number of parts, and for paths, this is the number of segments. Otherwise, it is 1. |
GeometryPartExtractor |
Extracts selected geometry parts based on a Geometry XQuery. |
GeometryPropertyExtractor |
Extracts selected geometry labels or traits to feature attributes. |
GeometryPropertyRemover |
Removes selected geometry labels or traits. |
GeometryPropertyRenamer |
Renames traits and changes the values of geometry labels. |
GeometryPropertySetter |
Sets selected geometry labels or traits from feature attributes or constants. |
GeometryRefiner |
Performs refinements on features geometry. |
GeometryRemover |
Removes geometry from features. |
GeometryReplacer |
Replaces the geometry of a feature according to the setting of the geometry encoding parameter. This transformer is typically used to restore geometry previously extracted into an attribute by the GeometryExtractor. |
GeometryValidator |
Detects selected issues in input features, and optionally repairs detected issues. |
GeoRSSFeatureComposer |
Constructs GeoRSS documents from the input features and stores them in the specified attribute for the features that are output by the GeoRSS port. |
GeoRSSFeatureReader |
Constructs features out of GeoRSS documents/URLs that are stored in a specified attribute of the input features. The features from the GeoRSS document/URL are output with the attributes from the original feature and are merged, if desired. |
GMLFeatureComposer |
Writes out GML features corresponding to feature types from existing GML application schema. |
GOIDGenerator |
Calculates a GOID (Geographic Object IDentifier) for each incoming feature, and adds it as a new attribute. |
GoogleBigQueryConnector |
Accesses the Google BigQuery service to load or query tables from a Google Cloud account. |
GoogleCloudPubSubConnector |
Connects to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub service to create topics and subscriptions or send and receive messages. |
GoogleCloudStorageConnector |
Accesses the Google Cloud Storage file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from a Google Cloud Storage account. |
GoogleDriveConnector |
Accesses the Google Drive file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Google Drive account. |
GoogleIoTConnector |
Connects to the Google IoT Core. Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. |
GoogleLanguageConnector |
Accesses the Google Natural Language and Google Cloud Translation API for text analysis, such as language and sentiment detection. |
GoogleVisionConnector |
Accesses the Google Vision AI API for image recognition. |
GridInQuestIIReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the Grid InQuestII engine from Ordnance Survey, for use in Great Britain, Ireland, and Northern Ireland. |
GtransAttributeReprojector |
Reprojects coordinates stored as attributes from one coordinate system to another using the Gtrans reprojection engine from the National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet). |
GtransReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the Gtrans reprojection engine from the National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet). |
H3HexagonalIndexer |
Computes and manipulates hexagonal hierarchical spatial indexes (Uber H3), and enables spatial data to be grouped into hexagonal grid cells for analysis and visualization. |
HDFSConnector |
Accesses an HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) to upload, download, or delete files and folders; or list the contents of a folder from an HDFS service. |
HoleCounter |
Retrieves the number of holes in donut polygons, storing the result as an attribute. |
HTMLExtractor |
Extracts structured data from web page or other HTML sources that are formatted for human readability (screen scraping), using CSS selectors to extract portions of HTML content into feature attributes. |
HTMLLayouter |
Allows users to combine web reports generated by the HTMLReportGenerator into a bootstrap grid or vertical layout. |
HTMLReportGenerator |
Allows users to create a basic web report of vertically-stacked elements using the geometry and selected attributes from features. |
HTMLToXHTMLConverter |
Converts HTML document into valid XHTML document. |
HTTPCaller |
Accesses a URL via HTTP or HTTPS, using a variety of HTTP methods. |
HullAccumulator |
Creates a convex or concave hull based on a group of input features. |
HullReplacer |
Replaces feature geometry with a convex or concave hull around the feature. |
IBMIoTConnector |
Connects to IBM’s Watson IoT Platform through the MQTT protocol. Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. |
IBMMQConnector |
Connects to an IBM MQ 9.x Queue Manager over TCP/IP, in Client mode. Supports sending/receiving messages from queues and publishing/subscribing to topics. |
IFCPropertySetDefinitionCreator |
Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC property set. The features output from this transformer are similar to the PropertySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader. |
IFCQuantitySetDefinitionCreator |
Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC quantity set. The features output from this transformer are similar to the QuantitySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader. |
ImageFetcher |
Fetches an image by performing an HTTP GET operation on the specified URL, and then returning the resulting data as the geometry of a raster feature. |
ImageRasterizer |
Creates a raster representation of vector or point cloud input features. |
InlineQuerier |
Creates SQLite database tables from incoming features, executes SQL queries against them, and outputs the results as features. |
Inspector |
Sends features to the FME Data Inspector for display. |
Intersector |
Computes intersections between all input features, breaking lines and polygons wherever an intersection occurs and creating nodes at those locations. |
JMSReceiver |
Using the Java Message System (JMS), receives messages from a message broker. |
JMSSender |
Using the Java Message System (JMS), sends messages to a message broker. |
JSONExtractor |
Extracts portions of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted text into feature attributes. |
JSONFlattener |
Flattens JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects, extracting the object keys and values into FME feature attributes. |
JSONFormatter |
Provides options for formatting JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) text. |
JSONFragmenter |
Extracts portions of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted text into new FME features. |
JSONTemplater |
Populates a JSON document with FME feature attribute values. The document is provided as a template, and the transformer will use XQuery to insert attribute values and geometry information into the template. |
JSONUpdater |
Modifies JSON documents. |
JSONValidator |
Validates the syntax of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) text. |
Junction |
Brings multiple connections together at a junction point, which outputs a single connection. |
KafkaConnector |
Connects to Apache Kafka, Confluent, RedPanda or other Kafka-compatible data stream services to send and receive messages. |
KinesisReceiver |
Using the Amazon Kinesis service, receives data records from an Amazon Kinesis stream. |
KinesisSender |
Using the Amazon Kinesis service, sends data records to an Amazon Kinesis stream. |
KMLPropertySetter |
Sets common properties for groups of vector and raster features destined for the OGCKML Writer. |
KMLRegionSetter |
Sets the region-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the OGCKML Writer. |
KMLStyler |
Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the OGCKML writer. |
KMLTimeSetter |
Sets the time-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the OGCKML Writer. |
KMLTourBuilder |
Generates a KML Tour from input features. The tour consists of tour stops that correspond to each input feature. |
KMLViewSetter |
Sets the view-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the OGCKML Writer. Creation of LookAt or Camera views are supported. |
Labeller |
Places labels along a linear feature, angled to the orientation of each labeled segment. |
LabelPointReplacer |
Replaces point, line, or area geometry with a single text label. |
LatLongToMGRSConverter |
Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code based on latitude and longitude values. |
LeftRightSpatialCalculator |
Computes relative position of Candidate input features relative to Base input features. |
LengthCalculator |
Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute. |
LengthToPointCalculator |
Calculates the length of a feature from its start until the closest spot to a point, and adds it as a new attribute. The point coordinates are taken from attributes in the original feature. |
LineBuilder |
Connects sequential point and/or line features to create line or area geometry. |
LineCloser |
Converts a linear feature to an area by connecting the end point to the start point. |
LineCombiner |
Connects line features that meet at common start or end points to create longer lines or paths. |
LineExtender |
Extends line, arc, or path features at both ends by a specified length. |
LineOnAreaOverlayer |
Overlays lines and areas, intersecting geometry and sharing attributes. |
LineOnLineOverlayer |
Overlays lines on lines, intersecting geometry, sharing attributes, and producing intersection points. |
ListBasedFeatureMerger |
Merges the attributes and/or geometry of one set of features onto another set of features, based on matching list attribute values with key attribute values and expressions. |
ListBuilder |
Combines attributes of the input features into a single list structure. |
ListConcatenator |
Concatenates all the values of a list into a single attribute. |
ListCopier |
Copies a complete attribute list, including all nested attributes, from one list name to another. |
ListDuplicateRemover |
Removes all duplicate values from a list attribute. |
ListElementCounter |
Stores the number of member elements found in the specified list into an attribute. |
ListExploder |
Explodes each list member on each input feature out into its own feature. |
ListExpressionPopulator |
Populates a new list from a series of attributes. The attributes to be used are specified by the expression parameter. Each attribute's index in the list is specified by the order of the attribute in the sorted result of the regular expression. |
ListHistogrammer |
Computes a histogram of the values found in a list, and returns these in a new list attribute on the feature. |
ListIndexer |
Copies the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main attributes of the feature. |
ListPopulator |
Populates a new list from a series of attributes. |
ListRangeExtractor |
Extracts the minimum and maximum values found in a list. |
ListRenamer |
Renames or promotes list names or components. |
ListSearcher |
Searches a list to find a value and returns the index of the value in the list. |
ListSorter |
Sorts the elements of the given list. The sorting can either be alphabetic or numeric, and in either ascending or descending order. |
ListSummer |
Computes the sum of all the elements of a list. |
LocalCoordinateSystemSetter |
Assigns a specified local coordinate system to features, without modifying geometry or coordinates. |
Logger |
Logs each feature to the translation log at the specified severity. All attributes and geometry of the feature will be output. |
LogMessageStreamer |
Captures messages from the FME logfile and/or the Logger transformer. The messages are loaded onto features created by the transformer. |
MapboxStyler |
Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the GeoJSON writer. |
MapInfoStyler |
Prepares features for output to MapInfo MIF/MID or MapInfo TAB by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of MapInfo format-specific attributes. |
MapnikRasterizer |
Generates a raster from input vector and raster features, with fine control over symbolization and labeling, using the Mapnik toolkit. |
Matcher |
Detects features that are matches of each other. Features are declared to match when they have matching geometry, matching attribute values, or both. A list of attributes which must differ between the features may also be specified. |
MeasureExtractor |
Extracts the measures of geometries that match the given type, and places them in attributes or list attributes. |
MeasureGenerator |
Creates a set of measures attached to the geometry of the feature, where each value is the distance from the start of the line up to that vertex, multiplied by the given Multiplier. |
MeasureRemover |
Removes measures from a feature's geometry. |
MeasureSetter |
Sets measure(s) on a point, line, arc, area geometry or a vertex of a linear geometry to attribute value(s) of given attribute(s) or list attribute. |
MeshMerger |
Merges mesh features (features with IFMEMesh geometries) into a single output mesh. |
MeshSimplifier |
Reduces the number of triangles in a mesh. |
MGRSToLatLongConverter |
Converts Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code to longitude and latitude coordinate values. |
MinimumAreaForcer |
Enlarges features smaller than a specified area to that specified minimum size. |
MinimumSpanningCircleReplacer |
Calculates a circle containing all vertices of the input feature, output as either attribute values or geometry. |
ModuloCounter |
Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a sequence, restarting the count at 0 whenever the sequence reaches the specified maximum value. |
MQTTConnector |
Connects to an MQTT broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. |
MSWordStyler |
Prepares features for output to the Microsoft Word Writer by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of Microsoft Word format-specific attributes. |
MultipleGeometryFilter |
Filters aggregate features based on the type of aggregate. |
MultipleGeometrySetter |
Provides the ability to set up an aggregate where each part is independent from the others, and its own complete geometry. |
NeighborFinder |
Finds the nearest Candidate feature(s) to each Base feature and merges their attributes onto the Base feature. May also be used in Candidates Only mode, where each feature is considered the Base in turn and compared to all other features, but not itself. |
NeighborhoodAggregator |
Creates aggregates of features based on their proximity to each other. Each aggregate that is created covers approximately the neighborhood width and height (measured in feature ground units). |
NeighborPairFinder |
Finds the closest two Candidate features within some maximum distance of each Base feature and some minimum separation in heading between the Candidates and the Base. |
NetworkCostCalculator |
Computes and assigns the cost of the shortest path from a source object to each connected object as the Z-values or measure values of the input features. |
NetworkFlowOrientor |
Fixes the flow (direction) of each edge or linear feature in the network to fit the downstream direction to the destination node. |
NetworkTopologyCalculator |
Finds the connected lines that belong to the same network graph. |
NLPClassifier |
Using a trained model, this transformer classifies natural language text into different categories. It can be used for filtering, sentiment analysis, and other tasks. |
NLPTrainer |
Trains a natural language processing (NLP) classification model based on the user’s specifications and the provided data. |
NullAttributeMapper |
Maps specified attributes on a feature to specified values. This transformer can map to and from null values, empty strings, and missing attributes. |
NumericRasterizer |
Creates a numeric raster representation of vector or point cloud input features, where cell values are taken from the z coordinates of the input features and overlaid on a uniform background. |
OffsetCurveGenerator |
Creates offset parallel lines on either side of curve features. |
Offsetter |
Adds offsets to the feature's coordinates. |
OneDriveConnector |
Accesses the Microsoft OneDrive file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Microsoft OneDrive account. |
OpenAPICaller |
Accesses an API endpoint defined by an OpenAPI specification via HTTP or HTTPS. |
OrientationExtractor |
Returns a feature's orientation. |
Orientor |
Adjusts the orientation of a polygonal feature, a surface, or the direction of a linear feature. |
ParameterFetcher |
Adds an attribute to the feature, supplying it the value of a previously published parameter. |
PathBuilder |
Connects sequential line and/or arc features to create path geometry, preserving input segments. |
PathSplitter |
Splits path geometry into its component line and/or arc segments. |
PDFPageFormatter |
Prepares features for output to PDF by providing a convenient interface to set the scale and location of features on a page. |
PDFStyler |
Sets the common PDF style attributes for a group of features destined for the GeoSpatial PDF Writer. |
PipeEvaluator |
Replaces pipe geometries on the feature with an approximated boundary representation solid. |
PipeReplacer |
Replaces the geometry of the feature with a three-dimensional pipe created by sweeping a stroked disk along the input curve. |
PlanarityFilter |
Filters features based on their planarity. To be planar, a geometry must have all its points situated in the same plane. |
Player |
Retrieves features stored in an FME Feature Store (FFS) file and outputs them into the workspace. |
PointCloudCombiner |
Combines features into a single point cloud. Point cloud and non-point cloud geometries are supported. |
PointCloudComponentAdder |
Adds new components with constant values to a point cloud. |
PointCloudComponentCopier |
Copies selected component values onto either a new or existing component. |
PointCloudComponentKeeper |
Keeps only specified point cloud components, discarding all others. |
PointCloudComponentRemover |
Removes specified components from a point cloud. |
PointCloudComponentRenamer |
Renames an existing component. |
PointCloudComponentTypeCoercer |
Alters the data type of point cloud components, and converts component values if required. |
PointCloudConsumer |
Reads point cloud features for testing purposes, including any accumulated point cloud operations. No additional operations are performed, and nothing is done with the features. |
PointCloudCreator |
Creates a point cloud of specified size and density, with default component values. |
PointCloudExpressionEvaluator |
Evaluates expressions on each point in a point cloud feature, including algebraic operations and conditional statements, and sets individual point cloud component values. |
PointCloudExtractor |
Serializes the geometry of a point cloud feature into a Blob attribute, encoding the contents according to a choice of common binary point cloud formats. |
PointCloudFilter |
Separates point clouds into multiple features, based on evaluating expressions including component values, and creates a separate output port for each expression defined. |
PointCloudMerger |
Merges point clouds by joining points where selected component values match (join key), including x, y, z, and other components. Component values are transferred between point clouds and output is filtered based on matching success and duplication. |
PointCloudOnRasterComponentSetter |
Sets point cloud component values by overlaying a point cloud on a raster. The component values for each point are interpolated from band values at the point location. |
PointCloudPropertyExtractor |
Extracts the geometry properties of a point cloud feature and exposes them as attributes, optionally checking for their existence, retrieving component properties, and finding minimum and maximum values. Extents may also be recalculated and updated. |
PointCloudReplacer |
Decodes a binary attribute containing encoded point clouds stored as Blobs, replacing the feature’s geometry with the decoded point cloud. |
PointCloudSimplifier |
Reduces the number of points in a point cloud by selectively keeping points based on the shape of the point cloud. The simplified and removed points are output as two discrete point clouds. |
PointCloudSorter |
Sorts the points within a point cloud by one or more component values. |
PointCloudSplitter |
Separates point clouds into multiple features based on component values, color, or first/last return. |
PointCloudStatisticsCalculator |
Calculates statistics on point cloud components and adds the results as attributes. |
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder |
Takes an input point cloud and reconstructs it into an output mesh. |
PointCloudThinner |
Reduces the number of points in (thins) a point cloud by keeping points at a fixed interval, a maximum number of points, or a set quantity of first or last points. Remaining points are discarded. |
PointCloudToPointCoercer |
Converts point clouds to point or multipoint geometries, optionally retaining attribute and component values. |
PointCloudTransformationApplier |
Applies a point cloud’s scale, offset, or transformation matrix to it, recalculating component values and removing the transformation values. |
PointOnAreaOverlayer |
Overlays points and areas, sharing attributes. |
PointOnLineOverlayer |
Overlays points on lines, splitting lines and sharing attributes. |
PointOnPointOverlayer |
Overlays points on points, sharing attributes. |
PointOnRasterValueExtractor |
Extracts the band and palette values from a raster at the location of one or more input points and sets them as attributes on the point feature. |
PointPropertyExtractor |
Extracts point orientation to feature attributes. |
PointPropertySetter |
Adds or removes point orientation. |
PowerPointStyler |
Prepares features for output to the Microsoft PowerPoint Writer by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of Microsoft PowerPoint format-specific attributes. |
PROJAttributeReprojector |
Reprojects coordinates stored as attributes from one coordinate system to another using the PROJ library. |
ProjectWiseWSGConnector |
Accesses the Bentley ProjectWise service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a ProjectWise account. |
PROJReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the PROJ library. |
PythonCaller |
Executes a user-supplied Python script to manipulate features. |
PythonCreator |
Creates features with a user-supplied Python script. |
RabbitMQConnector |
Connects to an AMQP 0-9-1 broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. |
RandomNumberGenerator |
Generates a uniformly distributed random number. |
RasterAspectCalculator |
Calculates the aspect (direction of slope) for each cell of a raster. Aspect is measured in degrees from 0 to 360, clockwise from north. |
RasterBandAdder |
Adds a new band to a raster feature. |
RasterBandCombiner |
Merges coincidental raster features into a single output raster feature, preserving and appending all bands. |
RasterBandInterpretationCoercer |
Alters the interpretation type of individual raster bands, converting cell values if necessary. |
RasterBandKeeper |
Removes all unselected bands from a raster feature. |
RasterBandMinMaxExtractor |
Extracts the minimum and maximum band values, palette keys, and palette values from a raster feature, and adds them to a list attribute. |
RasterBandNameSetter |
Sets the band name of selected bands on a raster, making raster contents simpler to understand compared to band numbers. |
RasterBandNodataRemover |
Removes the existing Nodata identifier from selected bands of a raster feature. Any values previously equal to the Nodata value are considered valid data. |
RasterBandNodataSetter |
Sets a new Nodata value on selected bands of a raster feature. |
RasterBandOrderer |
Specifies the required order of bands in a raster. Bands are reordered according to the input band indices. |
RasterBandPropertyExtractor |
Extracts the band and palette properties of a raster feature and adds them to a list attribute. |
RasterBandRemover |
Removes any selected bands from a raster feature. |
RasterBandSeparator |
Separates bands or unique band and palette combinations, and outputs either individual raster features or a single new raster feature containing all combinations. |
RasterCellCoercer |
Creates individual points or polygons for each cell in a raster, optionally extracting band values as z coordinates or attributes. |
RasterCellOriginSetter |
Sets the cell origin point within cells in a raster. |
RasterCellValueCalculator |
Evaluates basic arithmetic , minimum, maximum or average operations on the cell values of a pair of rasters. |
RasterCellValueReplacer |
Replaces ranges of band values in a raster with single values. |
RasterCellValueRounder |
Rounds off raster cell values. |
RasterCheckpointer |
Forces accumulated raster operations to be processed, saving the state to disk and releasing resources to tune performance or assist with memory limitations. |
RasterConsumer |
Reads raster features for testing purposes, including any accumulated raster operations. No additional operations are performed, and nothing is done with the features. |
RasterConvolver |
Applies a convolution filter (sometimes called a kernel or lens) to raster features and outputs the results. |
RasterDEMGenerator |
Produces a raster digital elevation model (DEM) by uniformly sampling a Delaunay triangulation generated from input points and breaklines. |
RasterDiffuser |
Enhances the features of a raster image. The RasterDiffuser enhances the borders, lines, and curves while reducing noise in the flat areas of the raster image. |
RasterExpressionEvaluator |
Evaluates expressions on each cell in a raster or pair of rasters, including algebraic operations and conditional statements. |
RasterExtentsCoercer |
Replaces the geometry of input raster features with a polygon covering either the extents of a raster or the extent of data within a raster. |
RasterExtractor |
Serializes the geometry of a raster feature into a Blob attribute, encoding the contents according to a choice of common binary raster formats. |
RasterGCPExtractor |
Extracts Ground Control Point (GCP) coordinate system and point values from a raster feature and exposes them as attributes. |
RasterGCPSetter |
Sets Ground Control Points (GCPs) on a raster, pairing cell positions with known coordinates. |
RasterGeoreferencer |
Georeferences a raster by either known corner coordinates or origin, cell size, and rotation. |
RasterHillshader |
Generates a grayscale shaded relief representation of terrain, based on elevation values. |
RasterInterpretationCoercer |
Alters the interpretation type of rasters, including all bands, and converts cell values if necessary. |
RasterMosaicker |
Merges multiple raster features into a single raster feature. |
RasterNumericCreator |
Creates a numeric raster of specified size and resolution, with default cell values. |
RasterPaletteAdder |
Creates a palette from an attribute, and adds this palette to all selected bands on a raster. |
RasterPaletteExtractor |
Creates a string representation of an existing palette on a raster and saves it to an attribute. |
RasterPaletteGenerator |
Generates a palette from the selected band(s) of a raster. The output raster will have the selected band(s) replaced by a new band with a palette. |
RasterPaletteInterpretationCoercer |
Alters the interpretation type of raster palettes. |
RasterPaletteNodataSetter |
Identifies the palette key that matches a raster band’s Nodata value, and sets a value on it. |
RasterPaletteRemover |
Removes selected palette(s) from raster features. |
RasterPaletteResolver |
Resolves the palette(s) on a raster by replacing cell values with their corresponding palette values. Palette values with multiple components, such as RGB, are broken down and the individual values assigned to multiple, newly-added bands. |
RasterPropertyExtractor |
Extracts the geometry properties of a raster feature and exposes them as attributes. |
RasterPyramider |
Resamples rasters to multiple resolutions, based on either number of levels or dimensions of the smallest output raster. |
RasterRegisterer |
Transforms an image to minimize its difference with another. |
RasterReplacer |
Decodes a binary attribute containing encoded rasters stored as Blobs, replacing the feature’s geometry with the decoded raster. |
RasterResampler |
Resamples rasters, based on specified output dimensions, cell size in ground units, or percentage of original, by interpolating new cell values. |
RasterRGBCreator |
Creates a color raster feature of specified size, resolution, and interpretation type, with default cell values. |
RasterRotationApplier |
Rotates a raster feature according to its rotation angle property, interpolating new cell values, updating all other affected raster properties, and producing an output raster feature with a rotation angle of zero. |
RasterSegmenter |
Partitions a raster image into arbitrarily sized groups of cells from the input image based on intensity differences in the input raster image cells. |
RasterSelector |
Selects specific bands and palettes of a raster for subsequent transformer operations. |
RasterSingularCellValueCalculator |
Performs basic arithmetic operations on the cell values of a raster against a numeric value. |
RasterSlopeCalculator |
Calculates the slope (maximum rate of change in z) for each cell of a raster. |
RasterStatisticsCalculator |
Calculates statistics on raster bands and adds the results as attributes. |
RasterSubsetter |
Clips raster features using pixel bounds instead of ground coordinates, and optionally adds cells around the perimeter. |
RasterTiler |
Splits each input raster into a series of tiles by specifying either a tile size in cells/pixels or the number of tiles. |
RasterToPolygonCoercer |
Creates polygons from input raster features. One polygon is output for each contiguous area of cells with the same value in all bands. |
RCaller |
Executes an R script that has the ability to access feature data from a temporary R data frame. |
Recorder |
Saves a copy of all the features that enter to a disk file. This disk file can later be "played back" in the subsequent workspace by using the Player, or viewed using the FME Data Inspector. |
ReframeReprojector |
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another in Switzerland, using the Reframe library from the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo). |
RekognitionConnector |
Accesses the Amazon Rekognition Service AI computer vision service to detect objects, faces, and text in images and to describe image contents and faces. |
ReprojectAngleCalculator |
Converts a given angle from one coordinate system to another. |
ReprojectLengthCalculator |
Converts a given length from one coordinate system to another. |
Reprojector |
Reprojects feature x and y coordinates from one coordinate system to another. |
RevitStyler |
Prepares features for output to Autodesk Revit by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of Autodesk Revit format-specific attributes. |
Rotator |
Rotates features in a counterclockwise direction about the specified point by the Rotation Angle parameter (measured in degrees). |
RubberSheeter |
Variably adjusts vector feature coordinates based on their proximity to control vectors indicating current and desired positions. |
S3Connector |
Accesses the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an S3 account. |
SalesforceConnector |
Retrieves data from the Salesforce customer relationship platform using Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) queries. |
Sampler |
Preserves either a total number of features or a sampling of features, depending on the Sampling Type selection. The remainder of the input features are output through the NotSampled port. |
Scaler |
Scales x, y, and/or z coordinate values to resize geometry. |
SchemaMapper |
Converts the existing schema (data model) of features to a new structure, based on mappings defined in an external lookup table. |
SchemaScanner |
Produces a schema feature representing the feature type definition for each group of input data features. |
SecondOrderConformer |
Performs a second-order conformal transformation on the feature's geometry. Depending on the input geometry, a 2D or 3D transformation is performed. |
SectorGenerator |
Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions defined by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North). |
SharedItemAdder |
Adds or replaces Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions in the internal FMELibrary. |
SharedItemIDExtractor |
Extracts Shared Item IDs from the front and/or back side of geometries and adds them as traits or a list attribute. |
SharedItemIDSetter |
Sets Shared Object IDs onto the front and/or back sides of geometries. |
SharedItemRetriever |
Retrieves Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions from the internal FMELibrary. |
SharePointOnlineConnector |
Accesses SharePoint Online to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information. |
SherbendGeneralizer |
Uses the Sherbend algorithm to simplify lines by reducing unnecessary details based on the analysis of the line’s bends. |
ShortestPathFinder |
Computes the shortest path of a line or lines containing a source and destination node in a network based on the length of the input or the cost (specified in an attribute) of each of the edges. |
SlackConnector |
Posts a message or uploads a file to the Slack group chat service. |
Snapper |
Brings lines, segments, end points or vertex points of features together if they are within a certain distance of each other and (optionally) if they have one or more attributes in common. |
Snipper |
Shortens linear geometry by cutting off the ends. |
SNSSender |
Using the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), sends messages to an Amazon SNS topic. |
SolidBuilder |
Constructs solids from surfaces and cuts hollow regions, or voids, in solid features with other solid features. A solid that is cut by another solid must contain that second solid. |
SolidDissolver |
Dissolves solid features by removing common boundaries to create larger solids. Input attributes may be accumulated. |
Sorter |
Sorts features by a selected attribute's value. The features leave the transformer in the order specified, and are output through the Sorted port. |
SpatialFilter |
Filters point, line, area, and text features based on spatial relationships. |
SpatialRelator |
Determines what type of spatial (topological) relationships exist between sets of point, line, area, and text features. Tags - but does not alter the geometry of - features when selected relationships exist, and performs a spatial join to optionally copy attributes between features. |
SpatialSorter |
Sorts features geographically (by location). |
SpikeRemover |
Removes spikes from line, path, and area geometry. |
SQLCreator |
Generates FME features and/or schemas from the results of a SQL query executed against a database. One FME feature is created for each row of the results of the SQL query. |
SQLExecutor |
Executes SQL queries against a database once for each initiating feature that enters the transformer. Schema, the initiating features, and the results of the query may be output. |
SQSConnector |
Accesses the Amazon Simple Queue service to send or receive messages. |
StatisticsCalculator |
Calculates statistics based on a designated attribute or set of attributes of the incoming features and adds the results as attributes. |
StreamOrderCalculator |
Computes the Strahler order and/or Horton order of streams in a river network. |
StreamPriorityCalculator |
Calculates the primary and secondary streams of multiple stream networks. The key to determining the priority is the shortest path algorithm using multiple iterations within a network graph. |
StringCaseChanger |
Changes the case of text attributes to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title case, or Full Title Case. |
StringConcatenator |
Concatenates the values of any number of attributes, user parameters and/or constants, and stores the result in a new attribute. |
StringFormatter |
Reformats the data held in each specified attribute. |
StringLengthCalculator |
Calculates the length of strings and the number of bytes in a blob. |
StringPadder |
Pads the selected attributes with a specified character, either on the right or left side. |
StringPairReplacer |
Replaces characters in the value contained in the source attribute based on replacement key-value pairs. |
StringReplacer |
Replaces substrings matching a string or regular expression in the string contained in the source attribute. |
StringSearcher |
Performs a regular expression match on the specified expression. |
SubstringExtractor |
Extracts a substring from the source attribute. The substring is taken from the range of characters specified. |
SummaryReporter |
Writes a summary report of features that enter to a disk file. Features are sorted prior to being summarized. |
SurfaceBuilder |
Cuts holes in surface features with other surface features. A surface that is cut by another surface must be co-planar with that second surface, and contain that second surface. |
SurfaceDissolver |
Detects coplanar regions of input surfaces and dissolves them into single faces. The output faces retain the attributes, traits, and appearances of the input. |
SurfaceDraper |
Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. Input drape features will be overlaid onto the surface model, and output as draped features. |
SurfaceFootprintReplacer |
Replaces the geometry of a feature with a planar representation of the feature's shadow. |
SurfaceModeller |
Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. |
SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer |
Performs a surface-on-surface overlay so that all input surfaces are intersected against each other and resultant surface features are created and output. The output surfaces can retain all the attributes of the input features in which they are contained. |
SurfaceSplitter |
Splits a double-sided input surface geometry into two single-sided surfaces – one equal to the front side of the input surface and one equal to the back side of the input surface. |
SystemCaller |
Runs a program or operating system command, and waits for it to exit before continuing the translation. |
TCPIPReceiver |
Receives raw data over TCP/IP. Produces a feature each time a specified number of bytes is received or a particular sequence is detected. |
TCPIPSender |
Sends raw data to the specified host, which may be another FME workspace running in a different process, (located on the same machine or on a different machine), or any client application that communicates over TCP/IP. |
TempPathnameCreator |
Reserves and returns a temporary file or folder path that will be deleted upon translation completion. An optional basename and extension can be supplied to further refine the filename portion of the resulting pathname. |
Terminator |
Stops a translation when it detects detect non-valid situations or input data conditions that should not exist. |
Tester |
Evaluates one or more tests on a feature, and routes the feature according to the outcome of the test(s). |
TestFilter |
Filters features by test conditions to one or more output ports. |
TextAdder |
Replaces any geometry with a single text label at the center of its bounding box. |
TextDecoder |
Decodes a string from a number of different text encodings into plain text. |
TextEncoder |
Encodes a text string using URL, Unicode, XML, HTML, Base64, HEX, or Octal methods. |
TextLocationExtractor |
Replaces text with its location geometry, usually a point. |
TextPropertyExtractor |
Retrieves text property values from text geometry, adding them to the feature as attributes. |
TextPropertySetter |
Modifies or creates text geometry according to new coordinates, text string, size, or rotation values. |
TextStroker |
Converts text to aggregate line or area geometry according to a specific True Type font. |
TextureCoordinateSetter |
Assigns texture coordinates to surfaces. |
Tiler |
Splits input features into a series of tiles by specifying either tile size (in ground units) or total number of tiles. |
TimeWindower |
Adds a time window attribute to each feature, assigning a Window ID based on either the time the feature arrives at the transformer or a timestamp stored as an attribute. |
TINGenerator |
Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. The surface model may be output in a number of representations: a triangulated irregular network (TIN), TIN vertices, TIN edges, and triangles. |
TopferIndexCalculator |
Takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, and/or aggregate features, and calculates the Topfer Index based on user-provided source and destination scales. |
TopologyBuilder |
Computes topology on input point, line, and/or area features, and outputs significant nodes, edges, and faces with attributes describing topological relationships. |
TraitMerger |
Moves the traits from one geometry onto another geometry. It can also move the attributes from a feature onto a geometry as traits, or the traits from a geometry onto a feature as attributes. |
TransporterReceiver |
Receives features from another FME workspace running in a different process, which may be located on the same or a different machine. |
TransporterSender |
Sends features to another FME workspace running in a different process, which may be located on the same machine or on a different machine. |
TrelloConnector |
Accesses the Trello web service to create, update, archive, or list the contents of Trello Boards, Lists, and Cards. |
Triangulator |
Breaks an input geometry into triangular units or a mesh. |
TrimbleConnectConnector |
Accesses the Trimble Connect platform to upload, download, list, or delete data from a Trimble Connect account. |
Tweeter |
Sends a Twitter™ status update. |
TweetSearcher |
Runs a search for Twitter™ entries that contain the given query. |
TweetStreamer |
Connects to a Twitter™ stream and outputs a new feature for each tweet. The transformer allows users to set up a filter, so that the output features will only contain tweets containing certain keywords, tweets that are geotagged with a particular location, and/or tweets which are written in particular languages. |
TwitterStatusFetcher |
Retrieves the timeline for a particular Twitter™ user or list. |
UniqueIdentifierGenerator |
Calculates a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) or ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) for each incoming feature, and adds it as an attribute. |
VariableRetriever |
Retrieves variable values into feature attributes. |
VariableSetter |
Creates and sets the specified variable to the specified value. |
VectorOnRasterOverlayer |
Rasterizes vector or point cloud features onto an existing raster. For vector features the fme_color attribute sets pixel color, and point clouds may be rendered using their color or intensity components. |
VertexCounter |
Extracts a feature’s total number of vertices, storing the result in an attribute. |
VertexCreator |
Creates a single vertex to replace, be appended to, or be inserted into existing geometry. |
VertexNormalGenerator |
Calculates facet or averaged normals for each vertex of a feature's geometry. |
VertexNormalRemover |
Removes all vertex normals from a feature’s geometry. |
VertexRemover |
Removes specific vertices from a feature’s geometry. |
VolumeCalculator |
Calculates the volume of a solid object and stores the value in an attribute. The volume is calculated in cube map units, whatever they are. |
VoronoiCellGenerator |
Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions defined by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North). |
VoronoiDiagrammer |
Generates a Voronoi diagram or Thiessen polygon. |
WebMapTiler |
Creates series of raster tiles for use in web mapping applications such as Bing™ Maps, Google Maps™, or Web Map Tile Service. Tiles are produced at varying zoom levels, size, and resolution. |
WebSocketConnector |
Connects to a WebSocket server to send or receive messages. |
WorkspaceRunner |
Runs an additional FME Workbench workspace on the local computer by spawning a new FME process. |
XMLAppender |
Assembles several XML documents into one. |
XMLFeatureMapper |
Constructs features from XML documents via xfMaps. |
XMLFlattener |
Flattens content of XML element(s) into feature attributes. |
XMLFormatter |
Provides various options for formatting and cleaning up XML documents. |
XMLFragmenter |
Maps elements from an XML document into XML fragments, and optionally flattens the content of the XML elements and the children further as feature attributes. |
XMLNamespaceDeclarer |
Declares missing namespaces in XML documents by matching prefixes from another sample XML file whose namespaces are fully declared. |
XMLSampleGenerator |
This transformer generates an XML document based on an XML Schema (XSD) file. |
XMLTemplater |
Populates an XML document with FME feature attribute values. The document is provided as a template, and the transformer will use XQuery to insert attribute values and geometry information into the template. |
XMLUpdater |
Modifies XML documents. |
XMLValidator |
Validates the syntax or schema of an XML file or text. |
XMLXQueryExploder |
Uses XQuery expression to extract portions of XML text into new FME features. |
XMLXQueryExtractor |
Uses XQuery expressions to extract portions of XML text into feature attributes. |
XMLXQueryUpdater |
Provides updates to an XML document using XQuery Update expressions. |
XSLTProcessor |
The XSLTProcessor uses an XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) stylesheet to convert an XML document. |
YAMLtoJSONConverter |
Converts YAML to JSON. |