FME Transformers: 2025.0

Cartography and Reports
Related Transformers


Creates a raster representation of vector or point cloud input features.

For vector features the fme_color attribute sets pixel color, over a solid background fill. Point clouds may be rendered using their color or intensity components.

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Typical Uses

  • Creating raster images from vector data with a simple, solid background.
  • Creating raster representations of point cloud data, using either color or intensity.

How does it work?

The ImageRasterizer receives point, line, and area geometries or point clouds, and “draws” them onto a single output raster feature.

For vector input features, the fme_color attribute determines the pixel color in the raster. Line weights are not supported, and features will be drawn at a width of one (1) pixel.

Polygon features that do not have a fill color defined (fme_fill_color) will be filled with their outline color (fme_color).

For point clouds, pixel coloring may be done using either the color or intensity component.

Background fill color, alpha value, and Nodata options are available, as well as anti-aliasing. A variety of options is available for raster interpretation, including RGB variants, gray scales, and single color and alpha bands.

The size of the output raster may be defined by number of rows and columns, or by specifying the size of a single cell (pixel) in ground units. The geographic extent covered by the raster may be either determined by the input features or manually specified.

Features with no color attribute (or point clouds without an intensity component, if selected) will be discarded and output via the <Rejected> port.


Usage Notes

  • Lines and points may be buffered prior to entering the transformer to increase their visibility if necessary, which would depend on the output raster size, intended viewing scale, and feature size. Some experimentation may be necessary, using the Bufferer.
  • To produce elevation rasters, use the NumericRasterizer.
  • To overlay vector features onto an existing raster, use the VectorOnRasterOverlayer.
  • For fine control over vector styling for raster output, consider using the MapnikRasterizer.
  • When rasterizing point clouds, all points are processed, in the order they occur within the point cloud. Depending on the resolution of the raster, multiple points may fall within a cell. As all are processed, the last point encountered within a cell will provide the band values. The PointCloudSorter may be useful to prepare the point cloud.

Choosing a Raster Transformer

FME has an extensive selection of transformers for working with raster data. They can be generally categorized as working with whole rasters, bands, cells or palettes, and those designed for workflow control or combining raster with vector data.

For information on raster geometry and properties, see Rasters (IFMERaster).


Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies None
Aliases Rasterizer

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