FME Transformers: 2025.0

Related Transformers


Replaces the geometry of input raster features with a polygon covering either the extents of a raster or the extent of data within a raster.

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Typical Uses

  • Creating polygon raster footprints for indexing or processing efficiency
  • Identifying areas with or without data within a raster.
  • Creating a clip boundary for use on other data

How does it work?

The RasterExtentsCoercer receives raster features and creates one polygon per raster that covers one of the following:

  • Raster Extents: The extent of the entire raster, as a rectangle, which may be rotated.
  • Data MBR Extents: The minimum bounding rectangle containing all cells with valid data (that is, do not have the Nodata value).
  • Data Extents: The exact footprint of all cells with valid data within the raster, which may produce non-rectangular polygons, and may produce an aggregate polygon with multiple parts per raster feature.

The selected extents polygons are output, and the input raster features are discarded. Output polygons retain original raster attributes, including fme_basename and fme_dataset.

This transformer supports raster band selection. Palettes are unaffected.


Usage Notes

Choosing a Raster Transformer

FME has an extensive selection of transformers for working with raster data. They can be generally categorized as working with whole rasters, bands, cells or palettes, and those designed for workflow control or combining raster with vector data.

For information on raster geometry and properties, see Rasters (IFMERaster).

Creating and Modifying Boxes and Rectangles

Creating rectangular geometry is a common task. These transformers do so in a variety of ways.


Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies None

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