FME Transformers: 2025.0

Related Transformers


Connects sequential line and/or arc features to create path geometry, preserving input segments.  

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Typical Uses

  • Combining geometry when input features are arcs

  • Combining geometry while preserving the input segments

How does it work?

The PathBuilder receives features with line or arc geometry and connects them in the order received.

Gaps between input features are connected as follows:

  • Line to line or arc: the first line is extended to to start point of the next feature.

  • Arc to line: the line is extended from its start point to the end point of the arc.

  • Arc to arc: a two-point line connects the end of the first arc to the start of the second arc.

Z coordinates are supported. Features with matching x and y coordinates but differing z values at their connection points are handled according to the Connect Z Mode parameter.

Attributes may be collected as a list attribute, preserving attribute values for every segment which can later be reconstructed as individual geometries with a PathSplitter.

Note that path geometry is not supported in all output formats. See also: Line , Arc, and Path geometry.


Usage Notes

  • The Sorter may be useful for ordering features before using the PathBuilder.

  • It is possible to create self-intersecting paths with this transformer, which will not be rejected.

  • As the PathBuilder fills in gaps between features, it can produce unexpected results if the input features are not sorted correctly. To combine adjoining lines (without creating new geometry to connect gaps), use a LineCombiner (and ArcStroker, if arcs are present).

  • Aggregate geometry also treats multiple geometries as a single unit, but path geometry ensures that the components are contiguous and connected.

  • The PathSplitter will undo PathBuilder output.

Creating and Modifying Linear Features

These transformers work with lines in a variety of ways.


Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies None

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