FME Transformers: 2025.0

Filters and Joins
Spatial Analysis
Related Transformers


Overlays points on lines, splitting lines and sharing attributes.

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Typical Uses

  • Splitting lines where they overlay points
  • Identifying lines that intersect with a point
  • Identifying points that fall on a line

How does it work?

The PointOnLineOverlayer compares points and lines, splitting the lines where a point falls on (or within a specified distance of) the lines. Each resulting new line may receive the attributes of the points that matched the original line, and points may receive attributes from the lines (a spatial join). Features (points and lines) also receive a count of the number of matches encountered.

Aggregates can either be deaggregated before processing or rejected. Intersections between linear features are not computed.

Z Values and Measures

If the input Line features have measures and/or 3D coordinates, measures and elevations (z values) are interpolated and assigned to points according to the selections made in the Attribute Accumulation parameters.

If Attribute Accumulation Mode is set to Drop Overlaid Attributes, the measures and z values will be ignored. If it is set to Merge, Prefix, or Replace with Single Overlaid, the appropriate values will be calculated and assigned to the points. If a z value is added to a 2D point, it will become 3D.


Usage Notes

  • Where point geometries are expected, Point Cloud geometries are not supported.
  • Chopped Lines output via the Line output port receive the attributes of all points that matched the original input line (if a list is enabled). All points that the original line encountered are included - not only the endpoints of the new line segment.
    To obtain attributes from points matching only the ends of the new line features, use a second transformer (consider another PointOnLineOverlayer, or a NeighborFinder).

Choosing a Spatial Transformer

Many transformers can assess spatial relationships and perform spatial joins - analyzing topology, merging attributes, and sometimes modifying geometry. Generally, choosing the one that is most specific to the task you need to accomplish will provide the optimal performance results. If there is more than one way to do it (which is frequently the case), time spent on performance testing alternate methods may be worthwhile.

To correctly analyze spatial relationships, all features should be in the same coordinate system. The Reprojector may be useful for reprojecting features within the workspace.


Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding



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