FME Transformers: 2025.0

Related Transformers


Alters one or more attributes by adding, renaming, copying, deleting or re-ordering. Sets values for new, existing, and modified attributes to any combination of constants, attribute values, conditionals, expressions, and parameters. Values can reference adjacent features.

Jump to Configuration

Typical Uses

  • Create a new attribute, and set default or new values for it in a variety of ways
  • Modify existing attributes by renaming, and deleting them, and set or clear values for them
  • Re-order attributes
  • Set an attribute value based on features that come before or after the current feature
  • Simplify a workspace by consolidating multiple attribute-manipulating transformers into one place

How does it work?

Attributes of the input features are presented in a matrix of rows and columns, where you can perform multiple tasks, including:

  • Creating, renaming, or deleting attributes

  • Setting values and default values

  • Specifying schema data types

All features that pass through the AttributeManager are modified according to the selections made in the parameters.

Importing Attributes and Data Types

Using the Import button, attribute names and/or data types may be imported from existing datasets or upstream feature caches (if enabled and current).

The results of the import will either be added to or update the Attribute Actions table, and may be further revised. These changes are not permanent until the OK button is clicked.

To discard changes made by an import, use the Cancel button to exit the parameters dialog.

Filtering Attributes

When working with features that have many attributes, it may be convenient to reduce the number displayed. This can be done with the Filter and Regex Filter options in the table controls.

Note that using either filter option will not result in attributes being removed from the features - they are only hidden from display.

Exposing Attributes

Unexposed attributes may be made visible by adding their names in the Input Attribute column of the Attribute Actions table, in a new row. Attribute names added here are not tested for validity.

Exposing attributes makes them visible in FME Workbench so they can be used elsewhere in the workspace, which is useful if you know features have an attribute, but it is not currently showing as available in your workspace. For example:

  • FME Attributes (fme_) and format-specific attributes that are not automatically shown in FME Workbench.
  • Features output from transformers like the SchemaMapper that dynamically add attributes onto features which FME Workbench is not aware of.



Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior

Exception: Enable Adjacent Feature Attributes

Feature Holding


Dependencies None
History Released: FME 2016.0

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