FME Transformers: 2025.0

Related Transformers


Classifies features according to user-defined numeric value ranges, adding a new attribute containing the name of the range it falls within.

Jump to Configuration

Typical Uses

  • Creating a classification of features based on the range of a numeric value
  • Setting symbology format attributes depending on the range of a numeric value
  • Reducing complexity by mapping a range of numeric values to a single, representative value

How does it work?

The AttributeRangeMapper lets you define one or more numeric ranges, along with an output value for each. An attribute is selected to be compared against these ranges, and a new attribute is added (Output Attribute) which will contain the name (Output Value) of the first matching range.

If the attribute value does not fall within any of the defined ranges, it is assigned the Default output value (which may be left blank).

Ranges are inclusive. A value that could match more than one range will be assigned the first one it encounters. Ranges are tested in the order they are defined in the parameters dialog, Range Lookup Table. For example, given the ranges 1 - 10 and 10 - 20, the value 10 will be matched to whichever of these ranges is listed first in the lookup table.

If either From or To is left blank, the range is open-ended; that is, it will match any value greater than (if To is blank) or less than (if From is blank) what is specified.

You may automatically generate fixed-interval ranges using the Generate… option.


Usage Notes

  • Only numeric ranges are supported
  • Expressions are not supported
  • To filter features according to numeric ranges (as opposed to adding an attribute), consider using the AttributeRangeFilter.


Input Ports

Output Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies None
Aliases RangeMapper

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