FME Transformers: 2025.0



Related Transformers


Accesses the Bentley ProjectWise service to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a ProjectWise account.

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Typical Uses

  • Manage datasets on ProjectWise by uploading, downloading, and deleting documents and projects.
  • Transfer a file's contents (such as XML, point cloud, or raster) into or out of an attribute in FME.
  • Read downloaded ProjectWise data using the FeatureReader, or upload data written by the FeatureWriter to ProjectWise.
  • Retrieve document and project names, paths, IDs and other information from ProjectWise to use elsewhere in a workspace.

How does it work?

The ProjectWiseWSGConnector uses your ProjectWise account credentials (either via a previously defined FME web connection, or by setting up a new FME web connection right from the transformer) to access the ProjectWise service.

Depending on your choice of actions, it will upload files, folders, and attributes; download documents and projects; list information of objects; or delete objects from the service.

The transformer accesses ProjectWise through a Bentley Web Services Gateway (WSG). A WSG is a server-side application that opens a communication channel between an app, in this case FME and the ProjectWiseWSGConnector, and Bentley's project information management system, which in this case is ProjectWise.

A WSG is comprised of two main components. The first component is the WSG framework which uses a REST web services API to communicate with apps to authenticate, send data, and receive data. The second component is a set of providers that communicate directly with individual management systems. The provider of interest to the ProjectWiseWSGConnector is the ProjectWise provider, which allows access to ProjectWise data sources.

Usage Notes

  • This transformer cannot be used to directly move or copy files between different ProjectWise locations. However, multiple ProjectWiseWSGConnectors can be used to accomplish these tasks.
  • The FeatureReader can access ProjectWise directly (without using the ProjectWiseWSGConnector), however, a local copy of the dataset will not be created.
  • The minimum supported versions for the ProjectWiseWSGConnector are Bentley Web Services Gateway 2.00 with Server Version 2.00.


Input Ports

Output Ports


The remaining parameters available depend on the value of the Request > ProjectWise Action parameter. Parameters for each ProjectWise Action are detailed below.

Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies Bentley ProjectWise CONNECT Edition, Bentley Web Services Gateway, Bentley WSG ProjectWise Plugin
Aliases ProjectWiseConnector
History Released FME 2018.0

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