Removes the existing nodata identifier from the selected bands of a raster feature. That is, any values that were previously equal to the nodata value will now be considered valid data.
If a nodata value was not present, this transformer will not perform any action on the feature.
Input Ports

Input features must contain raster geometries only.
Usage Notes
This transformer supports raster band selection: see the RasterSelector.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
FME Licensing Level
FME Professional edition and above
Transformer History
This transformer was previously named RasterNodataRemover.
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Tags Keywords: raster grid band channel nodata null void value remove delete flag RasterNodataRemover