Prepares features for output to the Microsoft PowerPoint Writer by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of Microsoft PowerPoint format-specific attributes.
Slide Layout

Chooses what kind of slide is to be generated by features going through this styler. Most of the options style a single feature to produce a single slide. Map Slide has the option of using several features to combine their geometries onto one slide.
Custom (Advanced) allows the user full freedom of what layout to use, and how multiple features coming through the feature correlate to aspects of that slide. To use this option, the user must be willing to setup some layouts beforehand through PowerPoint. See Using Custom Slide Layouts for more information.
The types correspond to the following layouts that are present to every PowerPoint presentation:
FME preset type |
PowerPoint layout |
Title Slide | “Title Slide” |
Title With Body | “Title and Content” |
Table Slide | “Title and Content” |
Map Slide | “Blank” or “Title and Content” or “Content with Caption” |
Chart Slide | “Blank” or “Title and Content” or “Content with Caption” |
Image Slide | “Blank” or “Title and Content” or “Picture with Caption” |
The GUI types with multiple corresponding PowerPoint layouts are further specified by the Slide subtype GUI option.
Note: Changing any of these slide layouts in your PowerPoint template file, will affect and potentially break functionality.
Format attributes set: pptx_type
Title Slide Parameters

The text that will be placed in the title placeholder
Format attributes set: pptx_title_text

The text that will be placed in the subtitle placeholder
Format attributes set: pptx_subtitle_text
Slide Parameters

This specifies whether a title or caption will accompany the chart.
Format attributes set: pptx_type

The text that will be placed in the title placeholder
Format attributes set: pptx_title_text

The text that will be placed in the caption placeholder.
Any line breaks in this text area will create a new paragraph in the caption. Depending on the placeholder’s settings, this might be a typical paragraph, or it may be a new bullet or list item.
Format attributes set: pptx_caption_text

The text that will be placed in the title placeholder
Format attributes set: pptx_title_text

The text that will be placed in the content placeholder.
Any line breaks in this text area will create a new paragraph in the caption. Depending on the placeholder’s settings, this might be a typical paragraph, or it may be a new bullet or list item.
Format attributes set: pptx_paragraph_text

The font name, size, and styling properties.
If this is left blank the content placeholder in the template’s “Title and Content” Layout will determine the font attributes.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Note that strikeout text is not supported for Microsoft PowerPoint writing at this time.
Format attribute set: fme_pptx_font_data

The color of the text foreground for this list item.
If this is left blank the content placeholder in the template’s “Title and Content” Layout will determine the font attributes.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: pptx_font_color
Image Parameters

This option allows control over the size of the image. The image will always fit within its placeholder, and if it is sufficiently large, will be cropped to made fit.
Fit Width makes the image width the same as the placeholder’s width.
Fit Height makes the image width the same as the placeholder’s height.
Best Fit sizes the image so that no cropping is required.
Fill stretches the image to fit width and height without cropping.
Fill (Lock Aspect Ratio) sizes the image so that the minimum amount of cropping is required to fill both the placeholder’s width and height.
Format attributes set: pptx_image_fit

Image Source has two options: From File and From Feature.
If From File is selected, then the Image Filename parameter is used to select a file.
If From Feature is selected, then the styled feature must have a raster geometry. Its raster geometry is written to the Microsoft PowerPoint document.
Format attribute set: pptx_image_source

Specifies the path to the desired image.
To browse your file system for an image, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
This parameter is only enabled if Image Source is From File
Format attribute set: pptx_image_filename

If this attribute is set for any content, then that content will be given a hyperlink pointing to the specified address.
Format attributes set: pptx_hyperlink
Table Parameters

These styles control the table’s colors and line styles. The colors depend on the PowerPoint theme colors if a template is selected.
These styles can all be seen in PowerPoint in the ribbon while editing a table.
Format attributes set: pptx_table_style

If set to Yes, adjacent rows in the table will differ in color by a small amount, so that rows are easily distinguished.
Format attributes set: pptx_table_banding

This in conjunction with Column Width specifies how wide each column should be.
Format attribute set: pptx_measurement_units

This table in the GUI will set one format attribute.
Format attributes set: fme_pptx_table_data

The text to appear in the first row of the particular column.
Header cells are stylized to stand out from the rest of the column cells.
This must be given a list attribute.

The text values to appear in the particular column of a table.
This must be given a list attribute.

This in conjunction with Width Units specifies how wide each column should be.
If Percentage of Table Width was chosen for Width Units, then 100 means the entire table width, while 1 means only one percent.
Chart Parameters

From here you can pick from a list of unique charts.
The names match up with the charts you can select in PowerPoint after pushing the insert chart button.
Format attributes set: pptx_chart_type

If Yes, then the series in the charts (whether they are slices of a pie, bars, etc) will be labelled with their numeric value.
Format attributes set: pptx_chart_has_labels

If checked, a legend will appear with the chart.
Format attributes set: pptx_chart_has_legend

The font name, size, and styling properties.
If this is left blank a reasonable set of defaults will be chosen, using a font size that is appropriate for the size of the chart.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Note that strikeout text is not supported for PowerPoint writing at this time.
Format attribute set: fme_pptx_font_data

Specifies which side the legend should be located at.
Format attribute set: fme_pptx_chart_legend_side

If Yes then the legend will be within the bounds of the chart. This could cause the legend to overlap the data.
If No some space is made on some side of the chart for the legend.
Format attribute set: fme_pptx_chart_legend_inside

This attribute specifies what each successive value in the series represents. The length of categories should match the length of each series values attribute.
This must be a list attribute.
Format attributes set: pptx_chart_categories
The next three parameters, which are part of a table in the GUI, all set the same format attribute: fme_pptx_chart_data

This attribute specifies what each successive value in the series represents. The length of categories should match the length of each series values attribute.
This must be a list attribute.

The name of the series. This is usually only relevant if the legend is shown.

The color for this particular series.
If this is left blank, then one of the theme’s default colors will be picked.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Map Parameters
Label Parameters

This optional parameter specifies the text to appear centered on a map.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_label

The font name, size, and styling properties.
If this is left blank a reasonable set of defaults will be chosen.
Note that strikeout text is not supported for PowerPoint writing at this time.
Format attributes set: fme_pptx_font_data

The color for this particular series.
If this is left blank, then PowerPoint will attempt to choose a color that will be visible over the shape’s color.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: pptx_font_color
Fill Parameters

This optional parameter specifies a pattern for the map shape.
If left blank then the entire map will be the foreground color.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_fill_pattern

The pattern foreground for the map shape.
If this is left blank, then one of the theme’s default colors will be picked.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_fill_fore_color

The pattern background for the map shape.
If the pattern was left blank, then this parameter is inconsequential.
If this is left blank, then PowerPoint will attempt to choose a color that will be visible over the shape’s color.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_fill_back_color
Border Parameters

The style of the line bordering the map shape.
If left blank then a single solid line will be used.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_border_style

The width of the line bordering the map shape.
If this is 0, then no line will be visible.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_border_width

The color of the line bordering the map shape.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: pptx_map_border_color
Feature Handling

The choices are Single Feature and Multiple Features.
If Single Feature is selected, then each feature will make one slide when styled by this Styler.
If Multiple Features is selected, then features will be grouped by the next attribute Slide Group ID, and each group will make one slide.
The different features will all contribute a single shape to a map inside the content placeholder, and the styling properties of each feature will apply just to that one shape. This means that different areas of the map could have different hyperlinks, fill colors, etc.
If Multiple Features is selected, then the Slide Parameters of the first arriving feature will be used, and the rest ignored.
Format attributes set: pptx_merge_features

The id for a group of features. This can be of any type, and all features given the same id will contribute to the same slide.
Format attributes set: pptx_merge_id
Layout Parameters

This name must match some layout in the PowerPoint template file. That layout will be used.
This parameter is case insensitive.
To create a layout in PowerPoint, go to View > Slide Master > Insert Layout. Customize it however you please. To name the layout right click on it on the left in PowerPoint and select rename.

A table containing the following three parameters all sets the Format attribute: fme_pptx_placeholder_data

The name of a placeholder. This can be seen in PowerPoint through the Selection Pane. To open the Selection Pane in PowerPoint go to Home > Select > Selection Pane…
It is the users responsibility to name these placeholders through the selection pane if they are using a custom layout.
It is recommended that the user specifies unique names for each placeholder on their custom slides.
If multiple maps are set on the same slide with the same Placeholder ID, then the maps are put together in one placeholder.

The type of content to be filled in this placeholder. The type does not by any means have to match with the type of placeholder. For example, feel free to use the type Chart with a Picture Placeholder.
Based on the type, the parameters dialog to the right will change.

Click on this to edit the parameters of the content being placed in the specified placeholder.

The choices are Single Feature and Multiple Features.
If Single Feature is selected, then each feature will make one slide when styled by this Styler.
If Multiple Features is selected, then features will be grouped by the next attribute Slide Group ID, and each group will make one slide.
Format attributes set: pptx_merge_features

The id for a group of slides. This can be of any type, and all features given the same id will contribute to the same slide.
Format attributes set: pptx_merge_id
Slide Ordering

If this is left as Automatic, then all the features going to the Microsoft PowerPoint Writer will be written to a presentation as slides in the same order they arrive. If a value is provided, then the features will be sorted by that value. Features with numeric values come before those with non-numeric values. If more than one feature has the same Slide Order Group By value, then their order is determined by the Slide Order Within Group parameter.
Automatic is actually the same as 0. If some slides are given orders and some are left as Automatic, then the ones that are left as Automatic will be ordered before any positive or non-numeric slide order, and after any negative slide order.
Format attributes set: pptx_slide_order

This parameter determines how slides are ordered when they have the same Slide Order Group By value.
If this is left as Automatic, then all the features going to the Microsoft PowerPoint Writer will be written to a presentation as slides in the same order they arrive. If a value is provided, then the features will be sorted by that value. Features with numeric values come before those with non-numeric values.
Automatic is actually the same as 0. If some slides are given orders and some are left as Automatic, then the ones that are left as Automatic will be ordered before any positive or non-numeric slide order, and after any negative slide order.
Format attributes set: pptx_sub_order
Additional References
For more information regarding PowerPoint styling, see the Microsoft PowerPoint Writer section in the FME Readers and Writers manual (in Workbench, select Help > FME Readers and Writers Reference)
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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