Prepares features for output to MapInfo MIF/MID or MapInfo TAB by providing a convenient interface to set a variety of MapInfo format-specific attributes.
Parameters – Color

This parameter specifies the pen color that will be used to render the feature. The pen color determines the color of lines and area boundaries.
To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Note: When translating from MapInfo to MapInfo, a MapInfoStyler provides the most control over additional attributes like transparency and patterns.
Format attribute set:
- mapinfo_symbol_color, mapinfo_pen_color, mapinfo_text_fontfgcolor
- mif_symbol_color, mif_pen_color, mif_text_fontfgcolor
Parameters – Symbols
If this section is active, point features will be turned into the specified symbol.
Features with other geometry types will not be affected by settings in this section.

Symbol Point Size specifies the size of the symbol in points.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_symbol_size, mif_symbol_size

Symbol Type specifies the type of symbol to be associated with the point.
Format attributes set:
Symbol Type Option | mapinfo_type | mif_type |
TrueType Font | mapinfo_font_point | mif_font_point |
MapInfo 3.0 | mapinfo_point | mif_point |
Custom Symbols | mapinfo_custom_point | mif_custom_point |

TrueType Symbol is available only if Symbol Type is TrueType Font. It specifies the number of the symbol to be associated with the point. To select a symbol, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set:
- mapinfo_symbol_shape, mapinfo_symbol_font
- mif_symbol_shape, mif_symbol_font

Symbol Font Effects is available only if Symbol Type is TrueType Font. It specifies the display style for the symbol.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_symbol_style, mif_symbol_style

Symbol Rotation is available only if Symbol Type is TrueType Font. It specifies the rotation angle for the symbol, measured in degrees counterclockwise from horizontal.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_symbol_angle; mif_symbol_angle

Custom Symbol File is available only if Symbol Type is Custom Symbols. It specifies the custom symbol associated with the point. To select a symbol, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_symbol_file_name; mif_symbol_file_name

Custom Symbol Effects is available only if Symbol Type is Custom Symbols. It specifies the display style for the symbol.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_symbol_style; mif_symbol_style

MapInfo 3.0 Symbol is available only if Symbol Type is MapInfo 3.0. It specifies the symbol to display for the point. To select a symbol, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_symbol_shape; mif_symbol_shape
Parameters – Lines/Borders
If this section is active, features containing lines will be prepared for output to MapInfo.
Features with other geometry types will not be affected by settings in this section.

Line Width Type specifies the how the line width will be interpreted.

Line Width specifies the thickness of the line, when it is rendered.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_pen_width; mif_pen_width

Line Pattern specifies how the line should be rendered. To select a pattern, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_pen_pattern; mif_pen_pattern

Line Interleaving specifies whether or not the line should be interleaved. You can use interleaved line styles to create the appearance of intersections for overlapping intersections and lines within a single layer.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_pen_pattern; mif_pen_pattern
Parameters – Regions
If this section is active, then area and ellipse features will be prepared for output to MapInfo.
Features with other geometry types will not be affected by settings in this section.

Fill Foreground Color specifies the foreground color when the area is filled. To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: fme_fill_color; mapinfo_brush_foreground; mif_brush_foreground

Fill Background Color specifies the background color when the area is filled. To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_brush_background; mif_brush_background

Fill Pattern specifies how the filled area should be rendered. To select a pattern, click the browse button to the right of the text field. Leaving the field blank will not change the fill pattern.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_brush_pattern; mif_brush_pattern
Parameters – Text
If this section is active, text features will be prepared for output to MapInfo.
Features with other geometry types will not be affected by settings in this section.

Text Background Color specifies the background color used when the text is drawn. To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_text_fontbgcolor; mif_text_fontbgcolor

Text TrueType Font Name specifies the font to use for the text. To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attribute set: mapinfo_text_fontname; mif_text_fontname

Text Font Effects specifies the effects to apply to the font. To edit this parameter, click the browse button to the right of the text field.
Format attributes set:
- mapinfo_text_fontstyle_bold; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_italic; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_underline; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_strikeout; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_outline; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_shadow; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_inverse; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_blink; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_opaque; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_halo; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_allcaps; mapinfo_text_fontstyle_expanded
- mif_text_fontstyle

Text Justification specifies how to place the text.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_text_justification; mif_text_justification

Text Line Spacing specifies the space between lines of multiline text. The measure is expressed as a multiple of the text height.
Format attributes set: mapinfo_text_spacing; mif_text_spacing
Additional References
For more information about MapInfo MIF/MID or MapInfo TAB styling, see:
- MapInfo TAB and MapInfo MIF/MID Reader/Writer chapters (Feature Representation sections) in the FME Readers and Writers manual. In Workbench, select Help > FME Readers and Writers Reference.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
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