Prepares features for labelling by the MapTextLabeller by specifying no-label zones around features.
Note: Can be used in conjunction with MapTextLabeller.
Input Ports

Features that are to have no-label zones specified.
Output Ports

Features that have the no-label zone specified.
Label-Free Zone

The units that the various sizes and widths are specified in.
The last three choices (Centimeters, Inches and Points) are page units, and are interpreted differently than the Ground Units choice.
Point Symbol Zone

Specifies the size of any point feature symbols to prevent labels from overlapping.

Specifies the Windows font name of the point symbol.

Specifies the index in the font of the point symbol.

Specifies the rotation angle of the point symbol, measured in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal.
Line Zone

Specifies the width of the zone around any linear features in which no labels will be allowed. For example if 5 units are specified, then no labels will be present within 2.5 units of each side of the line.
Polygon Boundary Zone

Specifies the width of the zone around the boundary of any area features in which no labels will be allowed. For example if 5 units are specified, then no labels will be present within 2.5 units of each side of the boundary line.
Usage Notes
All parameters are optional. Typically one instance of this transformer is placed for each group of features to be labelled by the MapTextLabeller.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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