Select Tools > FME Options and click the Translation icon.
Translation Priority
Sets the CPU priority for running translations. In most cases, the default Normal setting will be adequate. If you regularly run large translations, you can keep the default setting, or change it to Low, so the translations won't dominate your CPU (and so you can do other work in the foreground while the translation is running). If you have other CPU-intensive tasks running concurrently, you may want to set the priority to High to make sure the translation gets its share of the CPU.
Rejected Feature Handling Default
Specifies the default behavior of newly-created workspaces with transformers that contain <Rejected> output ports, and a translation outputs a feature to one of these ports.
Terminate Translation | The translation terminates when the first feature is output to a <Rejected> port that does not connect to another input port. |
Continue Translation | The translation continues to run regardless of any features output to a <Rejected> port. |
Note: To override the behavior of this parameter for individual workspaces, set the Rejected Feature Handling workspace parameter in the Navigator window.
Display feature counts
Enable or disable the feature count display.
Track Usage Statistics
You can help improve FME by sending anonymous usage statistics to Safe Software.
FME will transmit information about your version of Windows and how you use FME. The information collection process is completely anonymous, and your results will be automatically combined with other users' results.
The resulting statistics will help us identify trends and usage patterns (for example, which formats and processing facilities are utilized more than others), which in turn will help us focus our development efforts for future versions of FME. We will not collect your name, address or any other personally identifiable information.
For more information, see Usage Statistics Tracking.
Log Settings
Save Log to File |
Saves the translation log in the workspace folder. Note: You can override this setting in individual workspaces with the Log File workspace parameter. |
Append to Log File | Appends log results to the previously generated log, instead of overwriting the file. |
Log Timestamp Information | You can choose to add timestamp details to your log file output. |
Log Message Filter
Choose the type of messages that you want to view in the log file. For example, you might want the log to display only Warnings and Errors. For more information, see Viewing the Log.
Python Interpreter
Allows you to specify a Preferred Python Interpreter for FME to use when running Python scripts. This setting does the following:
- Dictates the default setting of the Python Compatibility Scripting workspace parameter for new workspaces.
- Tells FME which Python interpreter to load when there is no workspace Python compatibility context, or Python Compatibility is set to Python 2.7 or 3.4+.
Note: If Python Compatibility is Python 2.7 or 3.4+ and Preferred Python Interpreter is FME Python 2.7 or 3.4+, a Python 2.7 interpreter loads.
To use a specific Python interpreter, select Use Custom Interpreter.
Python Home
When using a custom Python interpreter, the value it uses for the PYTHONHOME environment variable.
R Interpreter
Allows you to explicitly specify an R interpreter for FME to use when running R scripts. To specify an R interpreter, browse to the interpreter's RScript.exe (Windows) or RScript (Linux or Macintosh) file, and click Apply or OK.
If not specified, FME looks for an R interpreter that is packaged or installed in a standard location.
Web File Cache
This option applies to the Planet Data, Landsat-8 on AWS, Sentinel-2 on AWS, and Terrain Tiles on AWS readers. On Windows, these data formats cache downloads in the temp folder. FME attempts to limit the size of the cache based on the value specified in the Cache Limit field.