Sets Shared Object IDs onto the front and/or back sides of geometries.
You may also, at the same time, generate the texture coordinates of the surfaces that are affected. Texture coordinates are only required where Raster textures are used.
Geometry Definition IDs can be set on existing Geometry Instances. New Geometry Instances can be created by setting a Geometry Definition ID on a single Point, or on an aggregate containing a single Point. The Point coordinates will be the insert location of the new Geometry Instance, and any matrix that may exist on the Aggregate will be used as the placement matrix (scale, offset, rotation, etc.) for the new Geometry Instance.
Setting a Geometry Definition ID on a single oriented Point will result in the Point’s orientation being used as the placement matrix for the new Geometry Instance.
Input Ports

Each input feature should contain the geometries to set Shared Object IDs on, as well as the IDs to use, stored as traits or attributes.
Output Ports

All input Geometry features that have had Shared Object IDs set.

Input features where no geometry part matches the Geometry XQuery.

Input features that could not have a Shared Object ID set.
Item To Set

This parameter specifies whether to limit setting to only Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions.

You can specify the side of the geometry on which to set Appearances, Textures, or Rasters.
Front Side: The ID will be applied to the front side of the geometry part only.
Back Side: The ID will be applied to the back side of the geometry part only.
Front and Back Sides: The ID will be applied to both sides of the geometry part.

Use this parameter if you want to isolate only a portion of the geometry passed in to the transformer. If no criteria are specified, the action will apply to the entire geometry at all levels.
Selection can be based on structural location, geometry name, type, appearance information, traits, trait storage types, or definition reference. The syntax used is a restricted set of XQuery, where the return clause is fixed.
The basic Geometry XQuery dialog allows you to construct simple selection queries by automatically writing the necessary query based on specified test clauses. Clicking the Switch to Advanced button opens the Advanced Editor, which allows you to type a query free-form, for more expressive queries.
Note: Once you switch to Advanced mode, you will have to clear all parameters before you can return to Basic mode.
A hierarchical geometry is represented as nodes of type geometry, with attributes containing information about traits, type, and name for each geometry.
Shared Item ID

This parameter specifies whether to retrieve Shared Item IDs from attributes or traits.

The name of the attribute from which to retrieve Shared Item IDs.

The name of the trait from which to retrieve Shared Item IDs.
Texture Coordinate Generation Parameters

When an appearance with a raster texture is set, each part of the Geometry that is affected will also require texture coordinates. When this parameter is No, new texture coordinates are always calculated for each part of the geometry that is affected by the appearance which is being set. When this parameter is Yes, new texture coordinates are only calculated on the affected parts of the geometry where they do not already exist. Existing texture coordinates are left unchanged.

This parameter specifies how the texture defined in an appearance style will be mapped onto the surface. This is only applicable to textures which have raster images.
- Surface Normal: The textures are projected onto the surfaces along their normals. For composite surfaces and meshes, each of the child parts will be treated separately, since the parts can have different normals.
- From Top View: The textures are projected onto the surfaces along a single normal – one that is perpendicular to the x-y plane. In this mode, a composite surface is considered as one single geometry when the texture coordinates are applied.
- Top Down Georeferenced: The textures are projected onto the surfaces using coordinates calculated based on a single normal perpendicular to the x-y plane and raster georeferencing information.
- From Texture Coordinate Generation Parameters Attribute: The textures are projected onto the surfaces using information stored in the fme_appearance_texture_gen_info attribute. This attribute can be generated by the SharedItemRetriever or AppearanceExtractor.

You can specify how the texture is shifted in the u direction with this parameter.

You can specify how the texture is shifted in the v direction with this parameter.

Texture u Repeat Factor can be used to specify the number of times the texture is repeated in rows.

Texture v Repeat Factor can be used to specify the number of times the texture is repeated in columns.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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