Retrieves features stored in an FME Feature Store file and outputs them into the workspace.
FME Feature Store files can be created with the Recorder transformer, by the RecorderFactory in an FME mapping file, or with the FME Feature Store writer. See the FME Feature Store Reader/Writer chapter in the FME Readers and Writers manual for more details on this format.
Features in an FFS file are stored along with a feature type string. The saved feature type will depend on the way the features were written to the FFS file.
- If the features originate from a Recorder, this string will be __RECORDED__, unless a Feature Type Attribute was specified in that transformer.
- If the features come from a RecorderFactory, the string will be whatever feature type was set on features entering that factory. If the features were created by the FFS writer, the string will be the name of the destination feature type to which the features were routed.

Type or select the FME Feature Store (*.ffs) file to be played back.

PLAYBACK: The features will be restored to the workspace before any other features created in previous transformers or read from an input data source.
PLAYBACK_AT_END: The features will be restored to the workspace after any other features created in previous transformers or read from an input data source.

The optional password must be provided if the FME Feature Store file being read was produced with a password. Before the file can be read, the password must match that used to create the file.

The saved feature type of each feature will be stored in the Recorded Feature Type Attribute, if one is specified

The maximum number of features to read from the Input Feature Store File.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
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