The following attribute is always exposed:
Additional attributes may be exposed for each component.
Input Ports

This transformer accepts only point cloud features.
Output Ports

Features with the extracted properties are output through this port.

The prefix to add to attributes related to point cloud components.

Specifies whether the extents of the point cloud will be updated to reflect the true values in the point cloud. That is, the extents of a point cloud may change after certain operations (for example, clipping). When this happens, the extents are typically set to an approximation of the true bounds (for example, when clipping, the output point cloud bounds are equal to the intersection of the input point cloud bounds and the clipper bounds). When this option is set to Yes, all the points of the point cloud will be read, and the point cloud extents will be updated to their exact values.

Specifies the components for which to extract properties, and which properties to extract for each component.
If Check Existence is enabled for a component, the following properties will be extracted:
- _<component> (for example, _intensity) - This will be set to Yes if the component exists, and No if it does not.
If Retrieve Properties is enabled for a component, the following properties will be extracted:
- _<component>_type - The type of the component. Valid types are Real64, Real32, UInt64, Int64, UInt32, Int32, UInt16, Int16, UInt8, Int8, String.
- _<component>_scale - The scale factor for the component. Only set for numeric components.
- _<component>_offset - The offset for the component. Only set for numeric components.
- _<component>_encoding - The encoding of the component. Only set for string components.
If Retrieve Min/Max is enabled for a component, the following properties will be extracted:
- _<component>_min - The minimum value for the component in the point cloud.
- _<component>_max - The maximum value for the component in the point cloud.
Note that if a component does not exist, only the existence check attribute (_<component>) will be set. All other attributes will be ignored.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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Tags Keywords: point "point cloud" cloud PointCloud metadata LiDAR expose extract extents sonar