Reprojects features from one coordinate system to another using the Gtrans reprojection library (from the National Land Survey of Sweden) and the specified translation file.
This transformer relies on Gtrans translation software which is included with FME on Windows platforms.

This is the translation file path.
Raster Parameters

If raster reprojection is required, a reverse translation file must also be supplied. This parameter defines the inverse translation file path.

The Interpolation Type affects only raster data. Cell values are interpolated in order to change the raster to the specified size.
- Nearest Neighbor is the fastest but produces the poorest image quality.
- Bilinear provides a reasonable balance of speed and quality.
- Bicubic is the slowest but produces the best image quality.
- Average 4 and Average 16 have a performance similar to Bilinear and are useful for numeric rasters such as DEMs.

The Cell Size applies only to raster features.
- Stretch Cells: The cell size of the raster will be adjusted to maintain the same number of rows and columns in the reprojected raster as there were in the input raster.
- Square Cells: The number of rows and columns as well as the spacing will be changed to maintain approximately the same cell ground area and form square cells where the horizontal and vertical cell sizes are equal.
- Preserve Cells: Like the Square Cells option, this option will change both the number of rows and columns and the spacing to maintain cell ground area, but will also try to preserve the original cell aspect ratio, taking into account any warping caused by the reprojection.
Usage Notes
This transformer ignores the coordinate system set on input features, and does not tag output features with a coordinate system. If you want to take the output of the GtransReprojector transformer and write it to an output format that includes coordinate system metadata, you will need to specify which coordinate system to write, either by using a CoordinateSystemSetter transformer, or by setting the writer's Coordinate System parameter in the Workbench Navigator.
This transformer is unaffected by raster band and palette selection.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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Tags Keywords: SWEREF99 "National Land Survey of Sweden" Sweden