Draws input point, line and polygon features onto a color raster filled with the background color. The fme_color attribute of the input vector features is used to generate pixel values. Features without an fme_color attribute will be discarded.
Input Ports

The Input port takes the vector features that will be rasterized. These features are valid only if they have an fme_color attribute.
Output Ports

The raster drawn from a group of features.

If the Group By parameter is set to an attribute list, one raster per group will be produced.

Note: How parallel processing works with FME: see About Parallel Processing for detailed information.
This parameter determines whether or not the transformer should perform the work across parallel processes. If it is enabled, a process will be launched for each group specified by the Group By parameter.
Parallel Processing Levels
For example, on a quad-core machine, minimal parallelism will result in two simultaneous FME processes. Extreme parallelism on an 8-core machine would result in 16 simultaneous processes.
You can experiment with this feature and view the information in the Windows Task Manager and the Workbench Log window.

No: This is the default behavior. Processing will only occur in this transformer once all input is present.
By Group: This transformer will process input groups in order. Changes on the value of the Group By parameter on the input stream will trigger batch processing on the currently accumulating group. This will improve overall speed if groups are large/complex, but could cause undesired behavior if input groups are not truly ordered.
Raster Properties

To set the size of the output raster, specify either the dimensions or the cell size.
To set the output raster size using dimensions, set the Size Specification to RowsColumns and specify values for both the Number of Columns and Number of Rows.
To set the output raster size using cell size, set the Size Specification to CellSize and specify values for both the X Cell Spacing and Y Cell Spacing.

This parameter sets the interpretation of the output raster.
Pixel values for red, green, and blue bands will be taken from the corresponding component of a feature's fme_color attribute. Pixel values for gray bands will be the average of the fme_color components.

This parameter sets pixel values for alpha bands.

The Background Color parameter sets the background color for red, green, blue, or gray bands.
Click the colored square to the right of the text field, or edit the contents of the field directly. The color must be specified as <red>,<green>,<blue> where each of <red>, <green>, and <blue> is a number between 0 and 1.

The Background Alpha Value parameter sets the background value for any alpha bands on the raster. It must also be a number between 0 and 1.

If the Fill Background with Nodata parameter is Yes, the background color will also be flagged as the nodata value for each raster band.

If the Anti-Aliasing parameter is Yes, the output lines will be smoothed using an anti-aliasing algorithm.

The Tolerance parameter is the maximum normalized distance from a line segment or polygon vertex to a pixel to be rendered. For example a tolerance of 1.0 will draw all pixels touched by the input vector line, while a tolerance of 0.0 will draw only those pixels where the input vector line passes directly through their center. Tolerance can only be selected when anti-aliasing is off.
Ground Extents

If the Ground Extents parameter is set to Use input data ground extents, which means the extents are not explicitly specified, the output raster extents will be determined by the union of the bounding boxes of the valid input vector features. If the Ground Extents parameter is set to Specify ground extents, the remaining Ground Extents parameters are used to specify the extents of the output raster.
Note: Note: The raster extent is absolute, measured from the outer edges of the border row and column pixels.

This specifies the minimum x value of the output raster. It is used when the Ground Extents parameter is set to Specify ground extents.

This specifies the minimum y value of the output raster. It is used when the Ground Extents parameter is set to Specify ground extents.

This specifies the maximum x value of the output raster. It is used when the Ground Extents parameter is set to Specify ground extents.

This specifies the maximum y value of the output raster. It is used when the Ground Extents parameter is set to Specify ground extents.
Point Cloud

When drawing point clouds on color bands, the Input Component specifies which component of the point should be used to set the color of the raster pixel. If the parameter is set to Color, the points in the cloud must have a color component. If the parameter is set to Intensity, the points in the cloud must have an intensity component. The intensity component is converted to a color using a grayscale continuum, where the minimum intensity in the cloud is black and the maximum intensity in the cloud is white.
Related Transformers
To overlay vector features onto an existing raster, use the VectorOnRasterOverlayer instead.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
FME Licensing Level
FME Professional edition and above
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Tags Keywords: minimum bounding rectangle MBR fme_colour rasteriser Rasterizer pointcloud