You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Services > Utility Services > Data Upload Service > Web Application Properties

Web Application Properties

The following table lists the properties file path and web application properties of the Data Upload service.

Properties file





The computer where the Transformation Manager is running. Can be specified as a network name or an IP.

Default value = localhost


The port on which the Transformation Manager is running on the remote machine. This is an integer between 1025 and 65535.

Default value = 7071 (the default Transformation Manager listening port)


The code page to use for older zip files that do not support Unicode.

Note: For the best experience, use modern zip utilities that support Unicode file names.

RESOURCE_PATH This is the path to the textual resources of the log. This file stores all the messages that will appear in the log as well as their code.
ENABLE_SECURITY A boolean value that determines if security is enabled.
SECURITY_CLIENT_ID The client ID assigned to this web service.
DEFAULT_USER_ID The default user ID to log in FME Server.
DEFAULT_PASSWORD The default password for default user ID.
UPLOAD_DIR The upload directory.

The default response format (typically JSON).

Default value = json


The file name that the log files will have in common. The log files will have that name with a number before the dot (such as green.log => green1825841623.log).

A subdirectory can be specified before the file name. The base file path is stored in the messageLogger resource bundle, which is a file on the hard drive (under Resources/). The LOG_FILE_NAME content is simply appended to that path.


The locale of the service. If no value, the default system locale is used. If specified, the specified locale is used.

The language, country and variant are separated by underscores. Language is always lower case, and country is always upper case.

Examples: "en", "de_DE", "_GB", "en_US_WIN", "de__POSIX", "fr__MAC"


An optional list of space-separated FME Server host names. Two and only two host names are supported. Each host named must be running an FME Server. If this service cannot connect to (or loses its connection to) its primary FME Server, it will attempt to connect to the first FME Server system named in the list. If connection failure is similarly encountered with this system, this service will then attempt to connect to the next system in the list.

After this, a subsequent connection failure will trigger a final attempt by this service to connect to the original, primary FME Server system again. If this also fails, this service returns an error message to the client.

To use FAILOVER_SERVER_NAMES below, uncomment the line and replace <namelist> with a space-separated list of two FME Server host names. Do not include the angle-brackets in the namelist. For example: