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The Shared Resource Management section of the FME Server configuration file (<FMEServerDir>Server\fmeServerConfig.txt) defines the storage of different types of data files that are useful in running and debugging workspaces, and performing other administrative tasks. In particular, files that are defined as resources can be shared between workspaces that are run from FME Server, regardless of the repository in which they are stored. The Resources page of the Web User Interface provides a convenient way to access this data.

The following resource definitions are configured by default:

  • FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_LOG: All FME Server log files.
  • FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA: Data files, usually accessed by multiple workspaces that are run from FME Server.
  • FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_TEMP: Any temporary files created by FME Server.
  • FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_BACKUP: FME Server backup files that are created when performing a backup and restore operation.
  • FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_ENGINE: FME Engine Resources, including custom formats, custom transformers, and custom coordinate systems, that can be accessed by multiple workspaces that are run from FME Server.

(Non-FME Cloud customers only) You can view or manually change the default file path where these resources are located. You can also add your own top-level directories. For more information, see the Resources page.