You are here: Administrator's Guide > Other Common Tasks > Purging Logs and History

Purging Logs and History

As FME Server processes jobs, the history of these jobs is stored as records in the repository database and as log files in the file system. Eventually, the volume of these records and logs can build up and cause issues, such as slow web interface response time and low disk space.

To purge log files and job history, use the tools on the System Cleanup page of the Web User Interface.

Configuring System Cleanup

You can adjust settings in the fmeServerConfig.txt configuration file to configure system cleanup behavior in the following ways:

Changing the Frequency of System Maintenance Tasks

By default, all maintenance tasks on the System Cleanup page run once per day. To change this frequency, update the CLEANUP_TASK_INTERVAL parameter.

Configuring Critical Cleanup Events

When the system's free disk space reaches specified minimum levels, FME Server triggers a critical level cleanup event, in which all enabled cleanup tasks on the Resources tab of the System Cleanup page execute, disregarding the Remove Files Older Than setting. In other words, all files specified by each cleanup task are removed, regardless of their age.

To configure the minimum free disk space levels that trigger a critical level cleanup event, modify the settings of the following parameters:


Default Value




The minimum free disk space size, in gigabytes.



The minimum free disk space size, in percentage.



If AND, the detected minimium disk size in gigabytes AND percentage must both be less than the specified values to trigger a critical level cleanup event. If OR, either the detected minimum disk size in gigabytes OR percentage must be less than the specified values to trigger a critical level cleanup event.