You are here: Administrator's Guide > Optimizing FME Server > Outputting the Log File to a Local Directory in a Distributed Environment

Outputting the Log File to a Local Directory in a Distributed Environment

In an FME Server installation in which engines are distributed among multiple machines on a network, all log files are written to the machine that hosts the FME Server core, by default. This log activity may lead to slow network traffic and affect I/O on the core. To address this problem, you can point log file output to the local file system of each FME Server engine.

  1. On the machine that hosts the FME Server core, copy the *.properties files, located in:
  2. <FMEServerDir>/Resources/*.properties

  3. On each machine hosting FME Server engines:
    1. Create a /Resources directory under <FMEServerDir>, and paste the *.properties files into that directory.
    2. Open fmeCommonConfig.txt, located in:
    3. <FMEServerDir>/Server/

    4. Update the RESOURCE_PATH directive to the newly-created local /Resources directory. For example:
    5. RESOURCE_PATH=C:/Program Files/FMEServer/Resources

    6. Save and close the fmeCommonConfig.txt file.
    7. Restart the FME Server service.