You are here: Administrator's Guide > Other Common Tasks > Adding and Modifying Resources Directories

Adding and Modifying Resources Directories

(Non-FME Cloud customers only.) You can change the location of Resources directories, or add new top-level directories. Newly-created directories appear with existing ones at the top level of the Resources page.

On Windows, the default location of the Resources folders are C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Server\resources.

C:\ProgramData is the default value of the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable. If this location is modified, the location specified above is modified accordingly.

On Linux, the Backup, Data, Logs,and Temp folders are located directly under the root directory of your FME Server installation (<FMEServerDir>). The Engine folder references the following location: <FMEServerDir>\Resources\shared.

When performing a backup and restore, shared resource directories containing large amounts of data require considerable time to back up, and result in large configuration files. We recommend defining large directories as non-migratable (false). For information about migrating large resource directories, see Backup & Restore.

For information on troubleshooting shared resources, see fmesharedresource.log.

To Add or Modify Top-Level Resources Folders

  1. Open the FME Server configuration file at <FMEServerDir>Server\fmeServerConfig.txt.
  2. Under FME SERVER SETTINGS START > Shared Resource Management, add your own shared resource definition, using the following syntax:








    • ConfigNumber: Shared resource configurations are sequential, beginning with 1. For example, if you are adding a new configuration to the existing set of five default configurations, specify 6.
    • Name: Specify a unique name for the configuration.
    • DisplayName: Specify how you want the name of the configuration to display on the Resources page.
    • Description: Provide a description of the configuration.
    • Migratable: If true, the folder is migrated during an FME Server backup and restore operation. If false, the folder is not migrated. If not specified, this parameter is assumed to be false (not migrated).
    • Directory: The shared resource path, using either LFS or UNC syntax.
    • Escape backslashes with an extra backslash. For example, instead of SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_6=f:\, specify SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_6=f:\\.

    • defaultRoleName: If not specified, all available roles are granted access to the shared resource. Otherwise, only the specified roles are granted access. Separate multiple roles with a pipe (|).

    File Example

    This example creates a shared resource folder called SERVER_TEMP (displayed as 'Server Temp') on the local C:\ drive. It is not migratable. Only users belonging to the fmeadmin role can access it.




    SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_6=This shared resource is for temporary files




    File Example Specifying a UNC path

    This example creates a shared resource folder called FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_UNCDATA (displayed as 'UNC Data') on a network share. It is not migratable. Any user can access it.




    SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_7=This is a UNC data folder



  4. If the FME Engines require direct access to the shared resource (for example, a workspace run by the Job Submitter service, rather than using the Data Upload Service to supply the resource), you must also add an entry for the shared resource definition to fmeEngineConfig.txt (also located in <FMEServerDir>Server\), on the machine that hosts the FME Server Core, as well as any other machines on which engines are installed:
  5. MACRO_DEF <Name> "<Directory>"



    Example (specifying a UNC path):


  6. Restart the FME Server Core and FME Server Engines services.