Select Manage > Resources.
The Resources page is a convenient way to store and access the following:
- Data files that can be shared between different workspaces that are run from FME Server, regardless of repository.
- FME Engine Resources, including custom formats, custom transformers, custom coordinate systems, and custom Java and Python modules, that can be shared between different workspaces that are run from FME Server.
- FME Server backup files.
- FME Server log files.
- Connections to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 buckets.
- Temporary files created by FME Server.
Navigating Folders
Double-click on a folder to open it.
To return to a higher-level folder or the Resources landing page (Home), use the breadcrumb at the top.
To order the view of files or folders by Name, Size, or Date, click on the respective column name. To change the order from ascending to descending (or vice versa), click again.
Performing Tasks on Folders and Files
To perform various tasks, use the menu bar, or right-click on a file or folder.
Uploading Files and Folders
Note: Uploading folders is supported only on Google Chrome.
- (Optional) To overwrite existing files with the same names as those being uploaded, select Overwrite Existing Files.
- Select Upload and specify whether to upload an entire folder, or specific files. Alternatively, drag and drop a file or folder onto the page.
When uploading files or a folder, keep in mind the following:
- FME Engine Resources, such as custom formats, custom transformers, and custom coordinate systems, must be uploaded to the applicable subfolder under Engine in order for workspaces to use them. For example, a custom format must be uploaded to the Engine > Formats folder.
- Upload custom Java modules to the Engine > Plugins > Java folder. Upload custom Python modules to the folder under Engine > Plugins > python that corresponds to the Python release compatible with the module (for example, python27).
Note: If custom coordinate system files are uploaded to any of the applicable Engine subfolders, the FME Server Engines service must be restarted before they can be used in a workspace. These include the CoordinateSystemExceptions, CoordinateSystemGridOverrides, CoordinateSystems, and CsmapTransformationExceptions subfolders.
Managing Uploads
To manage uploads of files that are completed or in process, click Uploads. (This button does not appear on the Resources page until you have initiated at least one upload.)
- Cancel: Cancels uploading of any selected items that are not completed.
- Cancel All: Cancels uploading of all remaining items that are not completed.
- Remove: Removes the selected items from the upload view.
- Clear Completed: Removes all items whose status is Completed from the upload view.
Note: This action does not remove the items from Resources.
Note: This action does not remove the items from Resources.
Other Tasks
- New Folder: Create sub-folders.
- Download: Download files and folders.
- Delete: Delete files and folders.
- Copy: Copy files and folders.
- Move: Move files and folders.
- View File:Select one or more files to preview, or double-click a file. From the File Preview window, you can:
- Refresh, Download, or Delete the current file.
- Find strings in the current file (text-based files only).
Note: When viewing FME Server log files, times display in your local time zone. However, downloaded FME Server log files display times in the time zone of the FME Server that produced the log.
- Search
: Search for files in a folder.
Managing Online Connections
To create and manage connections to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 buckets, click Manage Online Connections.
Adding and Modifying Top-Level Folders
On Windows, the default locations of the Resources folders are C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Server\resources.
Note: C:\ProgramData is the default value of the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable. If this location is modified, the location specified above is modified accordingly.
On Linux, the Backup, Data, Logs,and Temp folders are located directly under the root directory of your FME Server installation (<FMEServerDir>). The Engine folder references the following location: <FMEServerDir>\Resources\shared.
You can view or manually change these locations (non-FME Cloud customers only) in the fmeServerConfig.txt file. You can also create new top-level folders. Newly-created folders appear with existing ones at the top level of the Resources page.
For more information, see Adding and Modifying Resources Directories.
Note: When performing a backup and restore, shared resource directories containing large amounts of data require considerable time to back up, and result in large configuration files. We recommend defining large directories as non-migratable (false). For information about migrating large resource directories, see Backup & Restore.
Note: For information on troubleshooting shared resources, see fmesharedresource.log.