You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Services > Notification Service > Subscribers > Configuring the Subscriber

Configuring the Subscriber

  1. In the FME Server Web User Interface, select Manage > Notifications. Select the Subscriptions tab and click “New”.
  2. Subscription Name: Provide a name for the Subscription
  3. Topics Subscribed To: Select the topics you want to subscribe to and click Add. Or, click Add All to subscribe to all topics.
  4. Protocol: Select Amazon S3.
  5. Bucket: Complete the “Bucket” field with the bucket name. The name is case sensitive.
  6. AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key: Provide your security credentials. For more information, see AWS Security Credentials.
  7. Encryption: (Optional) Enable Amazon S3 Server-Side Encryption. When enabled, Amazon S3 encrypts your data using AES-256 as it writes to disk in its data centers.
  8. Permissions: The predefined set of grantees and permissions to store with each uploaded object. The default is Private. For more information about predefined grants, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview > Canned ACL, in the AWS Documentation, at:
  9. Destination Path: (Optional) Provide a location in the specified Bucket , using forward slashes (/).
  10. For example, any of the following is acceptable:

    • myfolders/testfolder
    • /myfolders/testfolder
    • //myfolders/testfolder
    • myfolders/testfolder/
    • /myfolders/testfolder/

    If left blank, objects are uploaded to the bucket’s root. If the specified folder does not exist in the bucket, it is created during the upload.

  11. Source Path: Provide the full path to the file/folder to be uploaded. The path must be specified with either forward slashes (/) or escaped backslashes (\\). Template macros are supported for this field; for an example, see Creating an FTP Subscription.
  12. Enable File Versioning: (Optional) Enable/disable versioning for the specified bucket. Leave as “Default” if you do not have permission to set bucket versioning or to maintain the current behavior.