You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Services > Notification Service > Subscribers > Email Subscriber

Email Subscriber

The Email subscriber receives messages from Notification Service topics and delivers emails via the SMTP protocol.

Note: Email servers may have maximum connection limitations. When an email subscriber sends multiple emails to the same server in quick succession, this limitation may cause emails to be dropped. To fix this issue, adjust the MAX_WORKER_THREADS parameter in the file, located in <FMEServerDir>/Server/config/subscribers, to a value at or below the corresponding value of the email server. For example, if the email server's connection limit is 20, lower MAX_WORKER_THREADS from 100 (default) to 20.


  • Topics Subscribed To - The FME Server topics for which the email notifications will be delivered.
  • SMTP Server - Mail exchanger server host name or IP address used for sending email.
  • SMTP Server Port – Mail exchanger TCP port used for sending email.
  • SMTP Account – If the SMTP server requires authentication, this is the user name.
  • SMTP Password – If the SMTP server requires authentication, this is the user password.
  • Connection Security - The encryption mechanism used for the connnection, if any.
  • Email To, Email Cc, Email Bcc - Corresponds to the To, CC, and BCC fields, respectively, in standard e-mail messages. Separate multiple recipients with commas. For example:,,
  • Email From – Corresponds to the From field in standard email messages, if users reply to the notification email message it will be directed to this email address.
  • Email Subject – Corresponds to the Subject field in standard email messages.
  • Email Format - The format of the email, either plain text or HTML.
  • Email Template – The message body to use for delivery. This is a template that allows the use of various tags that are replaced with dynamic information before delivery. For more information, see Email Template Language.


Using the following keywords, you can override the settings specified in the subscriber configuration:

  • email_to
  • email_cc
  • email_bcc
  • email_from
  • email_subject
  • email_replyto
  • email_attachment
  • subscriber_content: Overrides the Email Template setting.

For example, consider the following JSON notification:


"email_to": "",

"email_cc": "",

"email_from": "",

"email_replyto": "",

"email_subject": "This is a sample email",

"email_attachment": "\\myserver\attachment.txt",

"subscriber_content": "Hello World"


Upon receiving this notification, the email subscriber sends an email message, including attachment attachment.txt, to (no cc's). The subject is This is a sample email. The message body of the email is Hello World. Replies to the email are delivered to