You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Configuration Files > fmeServerConfig.txt


# FME Server Config File Parameters.
# The FME Server program is started from the command line and takes one argument.
# This argument is the pathname of the configuration parameter file.
# Configuration parameters are used to set various operating characteristics
# of the FME Server. Values for these parameters are read in from this file
# when the FME Server is started. This configuration parameter file is an
# ASCII text file containing one parameter assignment on each line. Each
# assignment consists of a parameter name followed by an equal-sign followed
# by the parameter's value.
# For example, the line:
# assigns the "REQUEST_PORT" parameter a value of "7071".
# The FME Server is case-sensitive to parameter names. Blank lines and lines
# beginning with the "#" character are treated as comments and are ignored.
# Changes to any parameter value in this file will take effect only upon
# subsequent restart of the FME Server.
# The following parameters must be present in the config file and named exactly
# as shown:
# Port and Host Assignments
# SERVICE_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for FME Engines
# requesting to be registered as being available.
# REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for FME Server
# requests from clients using the FME Server API.
# NOTIFIER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for notification requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# NOTIFIER_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for subscriber
# registration requests using the FME Server API.
# SCHEDULER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for scheduler requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# RELAYER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for protocol relay requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# RELAYER_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for relayer
# registration requests using the FME Server API.
# CONFIGURATION_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for configuration requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# CLEANUP_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for cleanup
# requests using the FME Server API.
# NODE_ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT - The integer port number on which the FME Server Engine node accepts requests.
# The port number specified here must match the value assigned to the
# NODE_ENGINE_ADMIN_PORT parameter defined in the processMonitorConfigEngines.txt
# file used to configure the FME Engines Process Monitor.
# FME_SERVER_PORT_POOL - Range of ports which can be assigned to FME Engines, Subscribers and Protocols
# when connecting to the FME Server. Each connection uses a single port available
# from the pool. Once all ports have been allocated, no more FME Engine
# instances may connect to this Transformation/Repository Manager.
# Using '0' means that any port may be used and there is no limit on the
# number of connections. If '0' is used in combination with a range of
# port numbers then it will override that range and make any port available.
# Port pools may be specified as a comma-seperated list of port numbers and
# port number ranges. For example, the port pool specified as:
# 1234, 4567-4570, 7890
# will make all of the following ports available in the pool:
# 1234, 4567, 4568, 4569, 4570, 7890
# FME_SERVER_HOST_NAME - The host name of the FME Server.
# FME_SERVER_WEB_URL - The web url of the FME Server.
# Transformation Management
# TRANSFORMATION_OWNER - The transformation owner.
# ENABLE_TRANSACTION_VALIDATION_RETRIES - Can be true or false. true to enable requeue of jobs that are in invalid
# state, otherwise false to have jobs in invalid states treated as job failures.
# When true, jobs will be retried up to the limit of
# ENABLE_TRANSACTION_CONNECT_VALIDATION - Can be true or false. true to validate for invalid jobs during successful
# registration of FME Engines, otherwise false.
# ENABLE_TRANSACTION_REQUEST_VALIDATION - can be true or false. true to validate for invalid jobs when FME Engines
# are woken up from being idle waiting for a new job, otherwise false.
# ENABLE_PUBLISHED_PARAMETER_ENCRYPTION - boolean flag indicating whether or not published parameters with names
# containing "PASSWORD" are encrypted. For systems with FME engines older
# than version 2015, this should be set to false, or the engines will not
# decrypt the password correctly
# Limits
# MAX_TRANSACTION_RESULT_SUCCESSES - Maximum number of successful result transactions
# to accept from the service before shutting down or
# restarting the service.
# MAX_TRANSACTION_RESULT_FAILURES - Maximum number of failed result transactions
# to accept from the service before shutting down or
# restarting the service.
# MAX_FAILED_TRANSACTION_REQUEST_RETRIES - Maximum number of times a failed transaction request will be automatically
# resubmitted for processing, after which the failed request is cancelled.
# A value of < 0 means that no maximum limit is imposed, and failed transaction
# requests will be automatically resubmitted indefinitely. A value of 0 means that
# automatic resubmission is disabled.
# MAX_REGISTRATION_READ_ATTEMPTS - Maximum number of attempts to retry reading FME Engine registration messages. The default is 6000.
# REGISTRATION_READ_RETRY_WAIT - Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to retry reading FME Engine
# registration attempts. The default is 10 ms.
# MAINTENANCE_IDLE_WAIT - Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to perform maintenance operations. Currently
# Engines that have already processed jobs and that are idle for the specified time will undergo
# maintenance which includes recycling connections and memory used by Engine. The default is 5000 ms.
# A value of 0 or less will disable maintenance.
# TRANSACTION_DB_RETRY_WAIT - Amount of time in seconds to wait before attempting to retry persisting job
# DB transaction information. The default is 20 seconds. A value less than or equal to zero
# disables retrying to establish DB connections.
# Communication
# ARE_YOU_THERE_MSG - The text string to send to a service to confirm that it is of the
# desired type before proceeding to use it. For FME engines, this value
# must be "FME_AreYouThere".
# SUCCESSFUL_RESULT_PREFIX - The substring present at the start of the result string
# returned by a service to indicate a successful result. For FME
# services, this value must be "0:" (a zero followed by a colon).
# CONNECTIONPOOL_EXPIRY - The length of time in seconds in which an FME Server connection remains idle
# before expiring from the connection pool.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# connection pooling.
# Licensing
# LICENSING_ENABLED - Can be true or false. If true, FME Server's licensing
# functionality will be enabled.
# LICENSING_PATH - The path containing license files.
# Schedule Management
# SCHEDULER_OWNER - The scheduler owner.
# Repository Management
# REPOSITORY_HOME - The root path under which the repository resides.
# Notification Management
# NOTIFIER_MAX_PENDING_NOTIFICATIONS - The max number of notifications allowed to be queued. Once the max number
# has been reached the oldest notification will be discarded.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_NOTIFICATION_RESULT_SUCCESSES - The max number of successful notifications. Once the max number
# has been reached the subscriber will be restarted.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# restarting of the subscriber.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_NOTIFICATION_RESULT_FAILURES - The max number of failed notifications. Once the max number
# has been reached the subscriber will be restarted.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# restarting of the subscriber.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_SUBSCRIBER_ACCEPT_ATTEMPTS - The max number of accept attempts. Each accept attempt is 10 ms so the default is
# for the notifier to wait 5 mins for a Subscriber to complete connecting after a
# successful registration.
# NOTIFIER_SUBSCRIPTION_HOME - The home directory containing subscription data files.
# Relay Management
# RELAYER_MAX_PUBLISHER_ACCEPT_ATTEMPTS - The max number of accept attempts. Each accept attempt is 10 ms so the default is
# for the relayer to wait 5 mins for a publisher to complete connecting after a
# successful registration.
# Configuration Management
# CONFIGURATION_MIGRATION_SUCCESS_TOPIC - Topic to notify when an asynchronous migration job
# finishes successfully
# CONFIGURATION_MIGRATION_FAILURE_TOPIC - Topic to notify when an asynchronous migration job
# fails
# Log Management
# LOGS_HOME - The root path under which log files resides.
# Log File
# LOG_CONFIG_PATH - The folder path that contains the log file configuration which by
# default is
# Note: For process specific log config paths just use the process prefix.
# ie. SERVER_LOG_CONFIG_PATH=<logconfigpath>
# SERVER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the main server process.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the shared resource process.
# SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the scheduler process.
# RELAYER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the relayer process.
# NOTIFIER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the notifier process.
# CONFIGURATION_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the configuration process.
# CLEANUP_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the cleanup process.
# Job Routing
# Please refer to the FME Server Administrator's Guide for a full
# description of the Job Routing parameters and their use.
# TM_QUEUE_TYPE - This indicates the type of queue to be used.
# Possible values are:
# DEFAULT - This is the internal FME Server queue.
# SQS - This is Amazon SQS.
# Example configuration:
# TM_DEFAULT_TAG - This is the default tag name in case Engines are not configured
# with a tag and if jobs are submitted with a tag that have no
# associated engines
# Example configuration:
# TM_DEFAULT_TAG=default
# TM_ENGINE_<ConfigNumber>=<EngineName>:<TagName1> <TagName2> <TagNameN>
# This assigns Engines to specific tags. If an Engine is not assigned to a tag, it
# defaults to using the default tag specified via the TM_DEFAULT_TAG directive.
# Both <EngineName> and <TagName> are case sensitive.
# Example configuration:
# TM_ENGINE_1=Engine1:fast
# TM_ENGINE_2=Engine2:fast
# TM_ENGINE_3=Engine3:utility
# This means "Engine1" and "Engine2" are assigned the "fast" tag and
# "Engine3" is assigned the "utility" tag. Any server jobs with the
# "fast" tag will be processed by either "Engine1" or "Engine2". Any server jobs
# with the "utility" tag will be processed by "Engine3". Any jobs with any other tag or
# no tag will be processed by any other Engines that have not been assigned a tag since
# by default it will use the tag assigned to TM_DEFAULT_TAG.
# Example configuration:
# TM_DEFAULT_TAG=default
# TM_ENGINE_1=Engine1:fast normal default
# TM_ENGINE_2=Engine2:fast normal default
# TM_ENGINE_3=Engine3:utility default
# This means "Engine1" and "Engine2" are assigned the "fast", "normal" and "default" tag and
# "Engine3" is assigned the "utility" and "default" tag. Any server jobs with the
# "fast", "normal" or no tag will be processed by either "Engine1" or "Engine2". Any server jobs
# with the "utility" or no tag will be processed by "Engine3". Any jobs with any other tag or
# no tag will be processed by any other Engines that have not been assigned a tag or have been
# assigned the "default" tag since by default it will use the tag assigned to TM_DEFAULT_TAG.
# TM_REPOSITORY_<ConfigNumber>=<RepositoryName>:<TagName>
# When configured any Server jobs from the configured repositories will utilize the
# specified tag which will "OVERRIDE" any client specified job tags.
# Both <RepositoryName> and <TagName> are case sensitive.
# Example configuration:
# TM_REPOSITORY_1=Samples:fast
# TM_REPOSITORY_2=Utilities:utility
# This means any jobs from the "Samples" repository are assigned the "fast" tag and
# any jobs from the "Utilities" repository are assigned the "utility" tag.
# Additional Job Routing Notes: <ConfigNumber> should start at 1 and increment sequentially.
# If the TM_QUEUE_TYPE is SQS. The following additional parameters are required for configuration.
# TM_SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - This is the Amazon SQS Access Key ID
# TM_SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - This is the Amazon SQS Secret Access Key
# TM_SQS_DEFAULT_TAG_URL - This specifies the SQS URL for the default tag
# TM_SQS_TAG_URL_<ConfigNumber>=<TagName>:<SQS URL Name> - This assigns job tags
# to specific SQS URLs.
# Example configuration:
# TM_SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ABCDEsvoV9rB31234567899/gWzSnpzFi123456
# TM_SQS_TAG_URL_1=blue:
# TM_SQS_TAG_URL_2=green:
# TM_SQS_TAG_URL_3=red:
# System Notifications
# These are optional notifications that are generated by FME Server. The general configuration
# format is NOTIFY_<keyword>=<topic_name>.
# NOTIFY_FAILOVER - This can be used in a FAILOVER cluster configuration. It will generate
# notifications when a node starts up, when a node has a heartbeat failure and when a failover
# operation occurs. The intent of this notification is to quickly alert users of potential
# system failure. The notification message is contained in the "msg" keyword so {msg} macro
# can be used in subscription configurations.
# Example configuration:
# Note: This means when the above failover events occur notifications will be sent to FAILOVER_TOPIC.
# NOTIFY_JOB_SUCCESS - This will generate a notification to the specified topic on all successful jobs.
# NOTIFY_JOB_FAILURE - This will generate a notification to the specified topic on all failed jobs.
# Shared Resource Management
# Common parameters
# SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE - The shared resource type which can be FILE (local file or UNC access).
# SHAREDRESOURCE_NAME - The shared resource name. This must be unique.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DISPLAYNAME - The shared resource display name.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION - The shared resource description.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_ISMIGRATABLE - true if the shared resource is migratable, otherwise false. By default
# all shared resource are not migratable unless specified as true.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_ROLES - (Optional) Defines the default security for newly configured shared resources. If not specified, all available
# roles are granted access. If specified, specific <defaultRoleName> will be assigned to the
# shared resource. Note: This will not override any existing shared resource security permissions as it
# assumes this is for new shared resource definitions.
# FILE type parameters
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR - The local file or UNC directory.
# ie. C:/localdata/
# ie. //servername/Data/
# Examples
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_1=This shared resource is the Server engine directory
# Cleanup Management
# Cleanup Watch
# CLEANUP_WATCH_INTERVAL - Default is 300 seconds. This specifies the frequency in which system source paths are
# checked to ensure minimum free disk space criteria is met. If <= 0, then cleanup watch
# is disabled.
# CLEANUP_WARN_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC - (Optional) If specified, then this is the topic to be notified when the
# warning level minimum free disk space criteria is met.
# Notification message schema keywords are:
# "msg" - The warning level message.
# "detectedFreeGB" - The free disk space in gigabyte detected.
# "detectedFreePCT" - The free disk space percentage detected.
# "minFreeGB" - The minimum free disk space in gigabyte warning criteria.
# "minFreeGB" - The minimum free disk space percentage criteria.
# "drive" - The source drive path that was checked.
# CLEANUP_WARN_MINDISKSIZE_GB - Default is 20 gigabytes. This specifies the minimum free disk space size in gigabytes.
# CLEANUP_WARN_MINDISKSIZE_PCT - Default is 20 percent. This specifies the minimum free disk space size percentage.
# CLEANUP_WARN_OP - Default is AND. If AND then the detected min disk size in gigabytes AND percentage must both be less than
# the specified minimum criteria for a warning level cleanup event to be triggered, otherwise if OR then
# either the detected min disk size in gigabytes OR percentage must be less than the specified minimum criteria.
# Note: A warning level event will trigger all cleanup tasks to execute as they are configured.
# CLEANUP_CRITICAL_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC - (Optional) If specified, then this is the topic to be notified when the
# critical level minimum free disk space criteria is met.
# Notification message schema keywords are:
# "msg" - The critical level message.
# "detectedFreeGB" - The free disk space in gigabyte detected.
# "detectedFreePCT" - The free disk space percentage detected.
# "minFreeGB" - The minimum free disk space in gigabyte critical criteria.
# "minFreeGB" - The minimum free disk space percentage criteria.
# "drive" - The source drive path that was checked.
# CLEANUP_CRITICAL_MINDISKSIZE_GB - Default is 10 gigabytes. This specifies the minimum free disk space size in gigabytes.
# CLEANUP_CRITICAL_MINDISKSIZE_PCT- Default is 10 percent. This specifies the minimum free disk space size percentage.
# CLEANUP_CRITICAL_OP - Default is AND. If AND then the detected min disk size in gigabytes AND percentage must both be less than
# the specified minimum criteria for a critical level cleanup event to be triggered, otherwise if OR then
# either the detected min disk size in gigabytes OR percentage must be less than the specified minimum criteria.
# Note: A cricital level event will trigger all cleanup tasks to execute and disregard max age constraints. This
# means resources are purged regardless of how old they are.
# CLEANUP_TASK_INTERVAL - Default is 86400 seconds. This specifies the frequency in which cleanup tasks are executed.
# Cluster Management
# Please refer to the FME Server Administrator's Guide for a full
# description of the cluster management parameters and their use.
# CLUSTER_TYPE - Can be DEFAULT or FAILOVER. This specifies the type of cluster configuration
# of the FME Server. If FAILOVER is specified, then failover configuration parameters
# must be specified.
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_HOST - This is a required parameter and specifies the host to monitor. This
# corresponds to the FME_SERVER_HOST_NAME setting of the monitored host. Note: This is
# case sensitive and typically all upper case in a default installation. It's best to
# confirm by checking the FME_SERVER_HOST_NAME value of the monitored host.
# In a failover cluster configuration there are two nodes in a cluster. Each node
# is uniquely identified by the host name and are configured to monitor each other. On
# initial startup, the first node to start up is registered as the "active" node". The
# second node to startup is registered as the "failover" node. If an "active" node
# is shutdown or fails to respond, the "failover" node automatically becomes "active"
# and takes over any unfinished jobs and active schedules that were handled by the node
# that was detected to have failed. If the failed node is started back up again, it
# automatically becomes the "failover" node. Any client requests to a "failover" node
# are rejected and redirected to the "active" node.
# The following are optional failover configuration settings:
# FAILOVER_SCAN_INTERVAL - The default is 40. This is the number of seconds in which this node
# waits before checking if the monitor host is still alive.
# FAILOVER_MAX_SCAN_FAILURES - The default is 3. This is the max number of times in which this node
# will retry detecting if the monitor host is still alive. This setting in conjunction with
# FAILOVER_SCAN_INTERVAL determines how long a host can appear not alive before a
# failover operation occurs. The max seconds for a host to appear not alive is equal to
# FAILOVER_SCAN_INTERVAL x FAILOVER_MAX_SCAN_FAILURES. The default is 40 x 3 = 120 seconds.
# FAILOVER_LOG_SCAN - Can be true or false. This logs out each time the monitor host is scanned by
# this node.
# FAILOVER_LOG_FAILURE_DETAILS - Can be true or false. This logs out more detailed logging
# describing failures.
# The following are only required when default port or owner names have been changed:
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_PORT_SCHEDULER - This is the port of the scheduler component on the host being monitored.
# This corresponds to the SCHEDULER_REQUEST_PORT setting on the monitored host.
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_PORT_TRANSFORMATION - This is the port of the transformation component on the host being monitored.
# This corresponds to the REQUEST_PORT setting on the monitored host.
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_PORT_NOTIFIER - This is the port of the notifier component on the host being monitored.
# This corresponds to the NOTIFIER_REQUEST_PORT setting on the monitored host.
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_PORT_RELAYER - This is the port of the relayer component on the host being monitored.
# This corresponds to the RELAYER_REQUEST_PORT setting on the monitored host.
# FAILOVER_SCHEDULER_OWNER - This is the scheduler owner name of the host to be monitored. By default the
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_HOST value is used which by default corresponds with the SCHEDULER_OWNER setitng
# of the monitored host.
# FAILOVER_TRANSFORMATION_OWNER - This is the transformation owner name of the host to be monitored. By default the
# FAILOVER_MONITOR_HOST value is used which by default corresponds with the TRANSFORMATION_OWNER setitng
# of the monitored host.
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS START **************
# Port and Host Assignments
# Transformation Management
# Limits
# Communication
# Licensing
# Schedule Management
# Repository Management
# Notification Management
# Relay Management
# Configuration Management
# Shared Resource Management
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_1=This shared resource is the Server logs directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_2=This shared resource is the Server data directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_3=This shared resource is the Server temp directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_4=This shared resource is the Server backup directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_5=This shared resource is the Server engine directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_6=This shared resource is the Server system directory
# Cleanup Management
# Cleanup Watch
# Log Management
# Log Files
# Job Routing
# System Notifications
# Cluster Management
# Default Cluster
# Failover Cluster
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS END **************