You are here: Web User Interface > Using the Interface > System Configuration > Networking > Services


Select System Configuration > Networking.

Under Services, a table displays containing information about the FME Server Web Services.

Note: You must have Manage Services permission to configure services. For more information, see Users or Roles.

The columns displayed in the Services table are:

Name - The name of each installed service.

URL - The URL for the service.

To Add a Service

Click New. A dialog displays similar to Modifying a Service, below.

To Remove a Service

Select a service and click Remove.

Note: Any workspaces published to FME Server and registered with the removed service will lose the registration, even if the service is re-added. To restore the registration if the service is re-added, re-publish the workspace.

To Modify a Service

  1. Click an entry in the table. The editing service page opens:
  2. Display Name - Name of the service as displayed in the Web User Interface.

    URL Pattern - Points to where the service is reached using a web browser.

    Note: To update this field for all services, click Change All Hosts on the Services page.

    Description - Description of the service.

  3. Click OK.