You are here: Administrator's Guide > Other Common Tasks > Licensing and Administration > Working with the FME Server System Services > About the FME Server System Services

About the FME Server System Services

FME Server is comprised of a series of components, and each component is installed as a standard Windows service.

FME Server Application Server

On install, if you use the default FME Server Web Application Server, the service automatically starts at system boot time. If you are using your own web application server, it is important to note that the FME Server Web Services are deployed and run by your web application server, not by FME Server itself. Ensure that your web application server is started for users to access any FME Server web services including the Web User Interfaces.

FME Server Core

The FME Server Core is the main FME Server service and should always be running. By default, this service is started at system boot time.

FME Server Database

On install, if you use the default FME Server Database, it creates a service called FME Server Database, which automatically starts at system boot time. If you used your own database, such as Oracle, ensure that the service starts prior to the FME Server Core service starting.

FME Server Engines

This service starts and runs the FME Engines.