Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb Raster Dataset) Writer Parameters
Database Connection

This parameter identifies the pathname of a connection file to be used to connect to an Enterprise Geodatabase.
A connection file provides the necessary information to connect to the SDE server, such as the server name or the username.
The connection file must be a *.sde file and have the proper format for a connection file as defined by Esri. Connection files can be created in ArcCatalog.

Check this option to override the User and Password from the connection file. Overriding credentials is required for Connection Files that do not have saved credentials.
Note: This parameter is ignored if the Connection File is using OS Authentication.

Enter the username and password to access the service.

When enabled, the database connection persists for the duration of an FME session.
For example, it may be desirable to maintain a connection when running a batch of 100 workspaces on the same database connection, which saves the processing time required to make and break a database connection.
FME considers the database connection to be the same when the database name, the username, and password are the same.

This parameter defines the type of compression to use on mosaic dataset overviews.
- JPEG (default)
- None
- LZ77: The only valid compression option for images with a colormap.
- JPEG2000: Available only on rasters with an 8-bit pixel depth and no colormap

The degree of lossiness caused by the compression. Valid values are integers from 0 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).
This value is ignored when not using one of the JPEG compression types.

Determines the resampling type to be used when generating reduced resolution pyramids on the destination raster dataset.
Nearest Neighbor is the default value, which provides the fastest output but the poorest quality. Cubic Convolution provides the best quality, but can reduce performance when writing.

Specifies the number of reduced resolution pyramids to build.
More pyramids enable better performance when viewing raster data using FME and Esri products.

This parameter tells the writer whether it should ignore features that would usually cause the translation to fail. This includes features that are topologically incorrect, are not supported by the Geodatabase writer, or conflict with the definition of the table to which it is to be inserted (that is, they are outside of the geometry envelope specified by the feature class). Additionally, the writer will also ignore polygons, donuts, or aggregates of polygons/donuts that cannot be reoriented.
The default setting is No, which means that failed features are not ignored and will cause the translation to fail when encountered.

This parameter sets the number of features to ignore before causing a translation to fail due to a problematic feature. (However, the translation may still fail for other reasons.)
Values:To ignore all failed features: -1; otherwise 0 or a positive integer.

This parameter allows you to store the failed features to an FFS file for later viewing.

This parameter allows you to specify an FME Feature Store (FFS) file to store any failed features.
This file will be created automatically, but will only be created if there is a failed feature.
Note: If the writer encounters a failed feature and writes to this file, and if a file with the same name already exists, the existing file will be overwritten.
This parameter is required when Dump Failed Features to File is set to Yes.
Values: path and filename
If either the path or the filename contains a space, the value must be enclosed in double quotation marks. The filename must end in the extension .ffs.