Esri Geodatabase (Personal Geodb) Reader Parameters
Database Connections
Database formats include a Database Connection parameter that defines and stores authentication information. For general information about sharing database connections, please see Using Database Connections. Note that Database Connection parameters may differ slightly, depending on context and/or database format. |

Select an existing connection, or Add Database Connection to define a new connection.
The new connection can be made visible only to the current user, or can be shared among multiple users.
Database Connection

If a template Personal Geodatabase is specified, the destination Personal Geodatabase is replaced with a copy of the template before writing begins.

Click this button to select tables for export. You must have a personal database to browse.
After you click the Browse button, a search window appears while the system compiles a table list from the database. Once the table list appears, you can select one or more tables, and then click the OK button to dismiss the window. The table name(s) will appear in the table list field in the Reader Parameters box.

Enter any SQL where clause that constrains the attributes of the layers selected in the layer list (for example, NUMLANES=2).

Specifies whether to only translate features that contain some kind of geometry.

Specifies whether or not to resolve the domain code found in feature classes and tables into the domain value.
This means that when an attribute of a feature has a coded value domain associated with it, another attribute will also be added that represents the textual description of the coded attribute. The new attribute will be <attribute-name>_resolved, where <attribute-name> is the name of the attribute containing the code.

Specifies whether or not to resolve the subtype field values found on feature classes and tables into the name of the actual subtype.
Note: You can speed up translations involving the Geodatabase Reader by not resolving subtypes and coded value domains. These operations add extra processing to each row of tables and feature classes that contain subtypes or coded value domains.

Specifies whether to read the network portion of network features. When checked, junctions will be read as points (geodb_point) and edges will be read as lines (geodb_polyline). Additionally, none of the network related attribution will be supplied on the features. Checking this option speeds up reading of network features significantly.

Determines whether to read relationship features present in a source dataset. When this parameter is checked, feature types containing simple relationships will be ignored, and feature types containing attributed relationships will be treated as non-spatial tables. When this parameter is unchecked, relationships will be read normally as either simple or attributed. The speed of reading features is vastly improved if relationships are ignored.

Determines whether complex edge features should be split. When split, complex edge features are read at the element level rather than the feature level. The element level represents the logical view of the geometric network. As a result, no network connectivity information is lost.
When split, each FME feature stores the following attributes:
Attribute Name |
Contents |
geodb_element_id |
The element ID of the logical edge element. |
geodb_element_index |
An attribute created and assigned by FME. It is used to order the edge elements within a complex feature. The index begins at 0, not 1. |
geodb_from_junction_element_id |
The junction element ID that corresponds to the from endpoint. Note: This is the from endpoint of the edge element, not the edge feature. |
geodb_to_junction_element_id |
The junction element ID that corresponds to the to endpoint. Note: This is the to endpoint of the edge element, not the edge feature. |
The following complex edge attributes are not present on the FME feature: geodb_junction_feature_count and geodb_edge_element_count. Even though elements are being read, the geodb_type of each feature is still geodb_complex_edge.
If an error occurs when retrieving the geometry for an edge element, then the geometry is skipped but the network attributes are still read.
Note: This parameter is not valid when reading relationship classes.

Specifies whether or not to split multi-part annotations into separate features for each "element" when reading. If checked, a single feature for each element (usually a word) in a multi-part annotation will be produced on reading, resulting in feature-specific attributes such as angle and text position being stored according to the location of each element. If left unchecked, multi-part annotations will be read normally, as a single feature storing a single set of attributes describing the positioning of the text.

When set to Features, the reader outputs features stored within tables.
When set to Metadata, provides the ability to read table-level metadata. In this mode, the reader outputs one feature per feature type. The geodb_type of the feature is geodb_metadata and the entire XML metadata document belonging to the Geodatabase table is found in the attribute geodb_metadata_string.
Where applicable, the following attributes are also supplied:
- fme_feature_identifier – indicates the name of the object ID field,
- fme_num_entries (Personal Geodb only) – indicates the number of features in the table,
- fme_contains_spatial_column – indicates whether the table has a geometry column (or, in Esri ArcGIS terms, whether the table is a feature class)
- fme_geometry{0} – indicates the types of geometry the feature class contains
- fme_dimension – indicates whether the feature class is 2D or 3D.
If the table is a feature class, the geometry of the metadata feature returned is a polygon, representing the extents of the feature class, and the coordinate system of the feature class also gets set on the feature.
When reading metadata, the Feature Type parameters are used to determine which feature types should have metadata read from them.
Schema Attributes

Use this parameter to expose Format Attributes in Workbench when you create a workspace:
- In a dynamic scenario, it means these attributes can be passed to the output dataset at runtime.
- In a non-dynamic scenario, you can use this parameter to expose additional attributes on multiple feature types.

This parameter controls how Geodatabase aliases are used.
- None: Aliases are ignored.
- Replace Attribute Names with Aliases: (Only applicable when adding a Reader.) Attributes on feature types will be named for their aliases rather than their official names. A geodb_feature_class_alias attribute will be included on each feature. Use this mode when the target format should create feature types using the aliases as attribute names.
- Expose Aliases as Metadata Attributes: For each attribute read, a second <name>_alias attribute will be added that stores the alias for the attribute in question. A geodb_feature_class_alias attribute will also be included on each feature. Use this mode when the target format is Geodatabase and the aliases should be preserved during feature class and table creation.
Use Search Envelope
Using the minimum and maximum x and y parameters, define a bounding box that will be used to filter the input features. Only features that intersect with the bounding box are returned.
If all four coordinates of the search envelope are specified as 0, the search envelope will be disabled.

When selected, this parameter removes any portions of imported features being read that are outside the Search Envelope.
The example below illustrates the results of the Search Envelope when Clip to Search Envelope is not selected (set to No) and when it is selected (set to Yes).
- No: Any features that cross the search envelope boundary will be read, including the portion that lies outside of the boundary.
- Yes: Any features that cross the search envelope boundary will be clipped at the boundary, and only the portion that lies inside the boundary will be read. The underlying function for the Clip to Search Envelope function is an intersection; however, when Clip to Search Envelope is selected, a clipping operation is also performed in addition to the intersection.

Geodatabase annotations offer a rich set of options to place text which are often not supported or do not directly translate to other formats. By enabling this option, richer text representations are broken into simpler representations that preserve text style and placement.
To maintain accurate placement, text elements are split into separate features on line breaks, format changes, irregular character spacing, and on any curves. This option also implies that multi-part annotations will be split (see the Split Multi-Part Annotations parameter above).
Each resulting feature will have a rotation angle and a point representing the bottom left corner of the text. All the text will be bottom, left-justified without an X or Y offset.
Each feature will contain all the attributes of the original text element including all the Geodatabase format attributes. The annotation related format attributes represent the current part and not the original text element. An additional geodb_text_part_count format attribute is added to indicate the part index of the original text element.

Specify the type of memory optimizations that are used when reading multipatches with textures. The default behavior to cache texture should be used in most scenarios as it will result in better performance. If, however, memory is an issue and there are many multipatch features with associated texture materials (like the buildings of a city), then consider disabling caching to improve memory usage.
- Yes (default): Textures will be stored in local texture caches and no effort will be made to clean them. This results in better performance but higher memory usage over time.
- No: Extra effort will be made to clear texture caches. This may result in slower performance.

Specifies whether a check should be performed on features read from Geodatabase to determine if they are simple.
Note: This is an expensive check, and it impacts reader performance.
If this parameter is set to Yes, the format attribute geodb_feature_is_simple is set to Yes if the geometry is simple, and No if it is not.

Specifies whether feature-linked annotations should have their text, angle, and position properties merged as attributes onto the main feature to which they are linked, when reading.
- Yes: This will produce a list attribute (as detailed in Annotations), with all annotation attributes set. The annotation table(s) does not need to be explicitly read.
- No: Feature-linked annotations will be read as annotations when encountered.

This parameter allows for the execution of SQL statements before opening a table for reading. For example, it may be necessary to create a temporary view before attempting to read from it.
For detailed information about SQL functions, click the corresponding menu item in the
.Available menu options depend on the format.
Multiple SQL commands can be delimited by a character specified using the FME_SQL_DELIMITER
directive, embedded at the beginning of the SQL block. The single character following this directive will be used to split the SQL block into SQL statements, which will then be sent to the database for execution. Note: Include a space before the character.
For example:
FME_SQL_DELIMITER ; DELETE FROM instructors ; DELETE FROM people WHERE LastName='Doe' AND FirstName='John'
Multiple delimiters are not allowed and the delimiter character will be stripped before being sent to the database.
Any errors occurring during the execution of these SQL statements will normally terminate the reader or writer (depending on where the SQL statement is executed) with an error. If the specified statement is preceded by a hyphen (“-”), such errors are ignored.

This parameter allows for the execution of SQL statements after a set of tables has been read. For example, it may be necessary to clean up a temporary view after creating it.
For detailed information about SQL functions, click the corresponding menu item in the
.Available menu options depend on the format.
Multiple SQL commands can be delimited by a character specified using the FME_SQL_DELIMITER
directive, embedded at the beginning of the SQL block. The single character following this directive will be used to split the SQL block into SQL statements, which will then be sent to the database for execution. Note: Include a space before the character.
For example:
FME_SQL_DELIMITER ; DELETE FROM instructors ; DELETE FROM people WHERE LastName='Doe' AND FirstName='John'
Multiple delimiters are not allowed and the delimiter character will be stripped before being sent to the database.
Any errors occurring during the execution of these SQL statements will normally terminate the reader or writer (depending on where the SQL statement is executed) with an error. If the specified statement is preceded by a hyphen (“-”), such errors are ignored.