You are here: Popular Formats > XML (Extensible Markup Language) Reader/Writer > xfMap > Feature Mapping Rules > Built-in Geometry Builders
Built-in Geometry Builders
This section describes the built-in geometry builders available to the XML Reader. These custom geometry builders are format-specific and are described in their own sections. The XML Reader comes with the following built-in geometry builders:
- xml-point or xml-point-xy: is a non-composite builder that constructs a point geometry.
- xml-line: is non-composite builder that constructs a line geometry.
- xml-area: is a composite builder that constructs an area geometry.
- xml-donut: is a composite builder that constructs a donut area geometry.
- xml-aggregate: is a composite builder that constructs an aggregate geometry.
- xml-box: is a non-composite builder that constructs a polygon geometry from two coordinates.
- xml-text: is a composite builder that constructs a text geometry.
- xml-path: is a composite builder that constructs a path from line segments.
- xml-arc, xml-arc-by-center-point, and xml-elliptical-arc: are non-composite/composite builders that constructs arc geometry.
- xml-circle: is a non-composite builder that constructs an arc geometry based on a circle definition.
- xml-polygon: is a composite builder that constructs a polygon geometry.
- xml-face: is a composite builder that constructs a simple surface geometry.
- xml-composite-surface: is a composite builder that constructs a composite surface geometry
- xml-enclosed-surface: is a composite builder that constructs a simple solid geometry.
- xml-composite-solid: is a composite builder that constructs a composite solid geometry.
- xml-multi-point: is a composite builder that constructs a homogenous point aggregate geometry.
- xml-multi-curve: is a composite builder that constructs a homogenous curve aggregate geometry.
- xml-multi-area: is a composite builder that constructs a homogenous area aggregate geometry.
- xml-multi-text: is a composite builder that constructs an aggregate of text.
- xml-multi-surface: is a composite builder that constructs a homogenous surface geometry
- xml-multi-solid: is a composite builder that constructs a homogenous solid aggregate geometry.
- xml-null: is a non-composite builder that constructs the null geometry.
- xml-reverse-geometry: is a composite builder that reverses the order of coordinates.
- xml-geodesic-string: is non-composite builder that interpolates a sequence of geodesic control points into a line geometry.
- fme-geometry: is a non-composite builder that constructs various type of geometries from various types of geometry serialization.
The following sections describes each built-in builder and its data parameters.