
The xml-path geometry builder constructs linear paths. This builder does not require any data parameters, so the only way for it to build a path geometry is from existing curve or point geometries. This means that before the xml-path builder is de-activated, other geometry builders that construct curves or points, such as xml-line, xml-arc or xml-point, should have been activated and de-activated, moreover, their constructed geometries should have been passed to it.

The xml-path geometry builder also accepts null geometries. Currently, these null geometries must have the “radius” and “direction” traits set. The null “arc” geometry in a path must be preceded and succeeded by a “curve” or “point” which correspond to the start and end point of the arc, respectively.

The xml-path geometry builder can return a polygon geometry when its convert-to-polygon data parameter is set to true. In this case the builder sets the constructed path as the boundary of the polygon.

builder type: composite - accepts curve, point and appropriately tagged null geometries.

geometry constructed: line geometry, point, or area geometry.

data parameters:

Data Name

Value Required/Optional


A path needs at least one curve segment, setting this optional parameter to true avoids empty paths to be constructed by demoting a path with zero segments into a non-geometrical object.

Range: false | true

Default: false



When the value for this data parameter is set to “false” and the xml-path geometry consists solely of one feature, then a path geometry will not be constructed. A path with a one coordinate line segment is returned as a point.

Range: false | true

Default: true



When the value for this data parameter is set to “true” and the xml-path geometry consists solely of one arc feature, then a path geometry will not be constructed. If the single feature is not an arc, handling will depend on the keep-as-path parameter.

Range: false | true

Default: true



This optional data parameter directs the xml-path geometry builder to return a polygon geometry with the constructed path set as the polygon’s boundary.

Range: false | true

Default: false



Specifies the coordinate system name. If the expression sequence for the coordinate-system evaluates to the empty string, then the coordinate system for the feature being built will not be set.

Range: String



Specifies the geometry’s name.

Range: String
