Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The ERDAS® IMAGINE® Reader provides FME with access to data in the ERDAS IMAGINE1ERDAS IMAGINE is a registered trademark of ERDAS, Inc. format.


ERDAS IMAGINE is a complete suite of geoprocessing tools for geoscience and earth resource applications for use in image processing, GIS in remote sensing and photogrammetry.

The software provides a combination of Image Processing, GIS analysis, terrain modeling, 3D visualization and programming toolkits for projects that require the processing and GIS analysis of geographic image data.

The ERDAS IMAGINE Reader provides supports for the file format that the ERDAS IMAGINE software uses.

Reader Overview

FME considers a single ERDAS IMAGINE file to be a dataset. The ERDAS IMAGINE file contains pixel data: each pixel in the file is a point in a single FME raster feature.