Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

ERDAS IMAGINE features specify a matrix of x, y, and z coordinates. For each raster, there will only be a single feature returned.

Attribute Name



This will always be erdas_raster.

erdas_number_of_bits_per_cell The number of bits per cell in the file, if it is not a multiple of 8. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the maximum pixel value in the raster band. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_maximum attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_maximum attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the minimum pixel value in the band. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_minimum attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_minimum attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the average pixel value in the band. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_mean attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_mean attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the “middle value” of a list, the smallest number such that at least half the numbers in the list are no greater than it. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_median attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_median attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the most common (frequent) value in the band. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_mode attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_mode attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


This represents the standard deviation of the pixel values in the band. The first band, for example, has the erdas_band{0}.statistics_stddev attribute, and the second band, if exists, has the erdas_band{1}.statistics_stddev attribute, and so on. This is a reader attribute.


It enables or disables compression when writing to ERDAS Imagine images. The value can be yes or no (case-sensitive). The default is no.


Enables or disables the generation of a TAB file along with the output image. The value can be yes or no. The default value is yes. This is a writer attribute.