IBM DB2 Spatial Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

FME’s DB2 Spatial Reader/Writer module(referred to as DB2 Spatial in this chapter) enables FME to read spatial and attribute data from IBM’s DB2 database, and write spatial and attribute data to the existing database.

Before using this format, please note the following:

  • Object writing is available only with FME Database Edition.
  • DB2 versions 7.2 to 9.7 are currently supported.
  • DB2 Spatial currently provides support for 2D geometries only. For 3D and 3D with Measures support, please contact Safe Software.


DB2 Spatial can read from databases which are spatially enabled but the tables may or may not have spatial information stored. This module communicates directly with DB2 using CLI for maximum throughput.

This section assumes familiarity with IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, the geometry types it supports, and its indexing mechanisms.

Note: See the InlineQuerier, SQLCreator, and SQLExecutor transformers. These transformers allow arbitrary Structured Query Language (SQL) statements to be executed against any database.