Writer Overview

The DB2 Spatial writer module stores both geometry and attributes into DB2 Spatially enabled databases. The DB2 Spatial writer provides the following capabilities:

  • Table Creation: Uses the information within the FME mapping file to automatically create database tables as needed.
  • Coordinate System: Checks for a coordinate system and if a matching one is not found then it will create one automatically. The matching criteria is the OGC WKT definition of the coordinate system.

    Note: When writing to DB2 V7.2, the exact coordinate system definition of the incoming features should exist in the database; otherwise FME will not be able to create a new coordinate system if the user does not have enough privileges to write to the DB2GSE.GSE_COORD_REF metadata table. User need to have either DBADB authority or at least have INSERT privileges for the coordinate system metadata table DB2GSE.GSE_COORD_REF for the translation to succeed.

  • Spatial Reference System: Uses an existing Spatial reference system with matching parameters or create new one as required when registering spatial layer(column).
  • Spatial Grid Index Creation: Creates spatial indexes only if valid values are specified for different levels of grid.
  • Esri’s ArcExplorer 3.0 JDBC Edition: In order to view spatial data written by DB2 Spatial writer in ArcExplorer 3.0 each spatial table must have a column named “SE_ROW_ID” of type integer. It does not really matter whether the column is populated or not. Also note that ArcExplorer expects users to at least have execute privileges on certain functions in DB2GSE schema or have DBADM authority.

    Note:  Bulk Loading: The DB2 Spatial writer does not use a bulk loading technique due to certain limitations in DB2.