FME Transformers: 2024.1

Related Transformers


Looks up coordinate system names and definitions between FME’s internal format and common third-party and open source representations, storing the results as an attribute.

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Typical Uses

  • Finding EPSG numbers
  • Troubleshooting unknown or custom coordinate systems and reprojections
  • Extracting coordinate system information to save as metadata

How does it work?

The CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter receives any type of feature, with an attribute containing either:

  • the FME representation of a coordinate system
  • a coordinate system representation in any of these forms:
    • Autodesk WKT (Well-Known Text)
    • EPSG number
    • Esri WKT (Well-Known Text)
    • Esri WKID (Well-Known ID)
    • MapInfo string
    • OGC WKT (Well-Known Text)
    • Oracle SRID (Spatial Reference ID)
    • PROJ.4 string

The transformer will convert the provided representation either from or to the FME form and store the results in an attribute. The geometry is not modified.


Usage Notes

  • The FME representation of a coordinate system can be extracted into an attribute with a CoordinateSystemExtractor.
  • If an FME coordinate system name cannot be found, _FME_0 or similar variations may be seen.

Working With Coordinate System Transformers

FME inherently supports coordinate system transformations and reprojections.


Input Ports


Editing Transformer Parameters

Transformer parameters can be set by directly entering values, using expressions, or referencing other elements in the workspace such as attribute values or user parameters. Various editors and context menus are available to assist. To see what is available, click beside the applicable parameter.

For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies None

FME Community

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Search for all results about the CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter on the FME Community.


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