You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Web Services > Notification Service > Publishers > Configuring the Publisher

Configuring the Publisher

  1. In the FME Server Web User Interface, select Notifications > Publications, and click New.
  2. Provide a name for the Publication
  3. In the Protocol drop-down menu, select Amazon SNS.
  4. Specify the Topics you want to publish to using the drop-down selector. To create a topic and use it right away, click +.

  5. Provide the Subscription ID generated after Configuring the Subscription in AWS. This information is available in the AWS Management Console, in the “My Subscriptions” pane.
  6. Click OK. The publisher is now configured to receive messages with the specified subscription ID.

Note: Notifications received from Amazon SNS topics may or may not have a subject. The publisher associates elements in the incoming notification to the following keywords:

  • sns_subject: subject line of the notification
  • sns_publisher_content: message of the notification

See Also