You are here: Reference Manual > FME Server Web Services > Transformation Services > KML Network Link Service > Web Application Properties

Web Application Properties

KML Network Link Service Properties File Content

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# KML Network Link Servlet configuration file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file details the installation parameters of the KML Network Link Servlet.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SERVER_NAME - The computer where the Transformation Manager is running. Can be specified
# as a network name (ie: "ATHENA") or an IP. The default value is
# "localhost".
# SERVER_PORT - The port on which the Transformation Manager is running on the remote
# machine. This is an integer between 1025 and 65535.
# The default value is the default Transformation Manager listening port,
# which is 7071.
# CONNECTION_POOL_EXPIRY - The length of time in seconds in which an FME Server connection remains idle
# before expiring from the connection pool.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# connection pooling.
# RESOURCE_PATH - This is the path to the textual resources of the log.
# This file stores all the messages that will appear in the
# log as well as their code.
# MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_REQS - This is the minimal amount of time that a client
# must wait before sending another request. If a
# request is sent before that interval, it will be
# ignored. The time is specified in milliseconds.
# STREAM_SERVICE - The name of FME Data Streaming service.
# LOG_CONFIG_PATH - The folder path that contains the log file configuration.
# LOG_FILE_NAME - The file name that the log files will have in common.
#SERVICE_DESCRIPTION - The description of the KML network link service
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION=A KML Link translation processed by FME Server
#VISIBILITY - Visibility
#VIEW_REFRESH_MODE - View refresh mode
#VIEW_REFRESH_TIME - View refresh time
#REFRESH_MODE - Refresh mode
#REFRESH_INTERVAL - Refresh interval
#DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT - The default response format
#DEFAULT_USER_ID - The default user ID to log in FME Server
#DEFAULT_PASSWORD - The default password for default user ID
#SECURE_CLIENT_ADDRESS - A boolean value that determines if token authentication includes the client
# address. Set it to true if enhanced security is required. The default value
# is false.
#SECURITY_CLIENT_ID - The client ID assigned to this web service.
#ENGINE_SUBSECTION - The subsection name used for workspace transformation
#LOCALE_CONFIG_PATH - the path to the FME localization config file which contains the FME_LOCALE property
# If no file path or an invalid file path is specified, then the default system locale is used.
# If a valid file path is specified, the FME locale in the specified file is used.
# If there is no FME_LOCALE property in the file, then the default system locale is used.
# The language, country and variant are separated by underscores.
# Language is always lower case, and country is always upper case.
# Examples: "en", "de_DE", "_GB", "en_US_WIN", "de__POSIX", "fr__MAC"
#FAILOVER_SERVER_NAME - (Optional) The name of the FME Server host that is designated for failover.
# If connection to the primary FME Server is lost, the Service will attempt to connect
# to the specified FME Server host that is designated for failover.
# To use FAILOVER_SERVER_NAME below, uncomment the line and replace <failoverServerName> with
# the FME Server failover host name. Do not include the angle-brackets in the failoverServerName.
# For example: FAILOVER_SERVER_NAME=fmecore2
# CORS Shared Configuration File - File system path to the configuration file for cross-origin resource sharing that
# is itself shared by all FME Server services.
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