Landmark Z-Map Vector Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The Landmark Z-Map module provides the FME with the ability to read and write geometric data files which are compatible with Landmark Graphics’ Z-MAP Plus™ software. Z-Map is commonly used for interpretive surface, fault modeling, and mapping.


The Landmark Z-Map Vector Reader/Writer allows FME to read and write data in Z-Map non-grid formats.

Note: To read or write raster data using the Z-Map format, use the Landmark Z-Map Grid Reader/Writer.

Z-Map files store both feature geometry and attribution. A Z-Map file has the following file name extension:

File Name Extension



Z-Map data file

The extension is added to the base name of the Z-Map file. The base name is the feature name.

Reader Overview

Reading of Z-Map files is handled by two separate readers: a Landmark Z-Map Vector reader, and a Landmark Z-Map Grid reader.

The Z-Map Vector Reader reads polygons, lines, points, and text into FME.

Features are read from a single .dat file and are separated into Contour, Data, Fault, Vertex, or Text feature types. If a feature type cannot be determined, a Record feature type is produced. Additionally, Header, History and Comment features are produced if they exist.

Writer Overview

FME provides separate writers to write Z-Map files: a Landmark Z-Map Vector writer, and a Landmark Z-Map Grid writer.

  • Vector Data: Use the Landmark Z-Map Vector writer.
  • Raster Data: Use the Landmark Z-Map Grid writer.

The writer documentation in this document is only for the Z-Map Vector writer. Refer to the Landmark Z-Map Grid writer documentation for information about writing rasters.

The Z-Map Vector writer creates and writes vector feature data to Z-Map files into the folder specified by the DATASET keyword. Existing Z-Map files with the same name specified are overwritten with the new feature data.

Note: Z-Map supports a maximum of 50 fields, including both geometry-related fields and user attributes. If too many fields are specified, the writer will error. Removing some user attributes will allow writing to succeed.