Feature Representation

The WMS reader delegates all image reading to the FME raster readers.

If only one concrete image layer is selected then the image feature type is set to the name of the layer. If several layer’s are selected in the request and if the request is not split into separate GetMap requests then the feature type for the image for the selected layers is set to the earliest common parent layer.

Additional attributes with values taken from the WMS capabilities document are attached to each downloaded image. The “wms_service_name”, “wms_service_title”, and “wms_service_abstract” attributes contain metadata information from the WMS service. The “wms_layer_name”, “wms_layer_title”, and “wms_layer_abstract” attributes corresponds to information for the selected layer. If several layers are selected in one request then these attributes will contain information from the common parent layer. The “wms_selected_layers” selected attribute is a special attribute added by the WMS reader enumerating the selected layers for the particular image, see the WMS DEF line description.