Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Each UFO element, regardless of its geometry type, shares a number of other parameters, as described in the following tables.

Attribute Name



The UFO geometric type of this entity.


ufo_point |
ufo_line |
ufo_polygon |
ufo_text |

Default: No default

The main object line:

Attribute Name



An integer that expresses the object code.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0


A text string which indicates the database the object connects to.

Range: Max. of 80 characters

Default: no_database


The unique identification in a database expressed as a whole number.

0 means that the object has not yet been assigned a unique identification.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0


A whole number which indicates the object origin group the object belongs to.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0

The object reference:

Attribute Name



A integer that refers to an object reference type group.

Note: The <number> refers to the group of object reference description. Parameters that belong to the same description should have the same number. The <number> is a positive integer which starts at 0.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A text string that indicates the database being referred to.

Range: max. 80 characters

Default: no_database



A whole number that indicates the object being referred to in the database.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0

The label description:

Attribute Name




A character which indicates if the label has a full description or a free text description.

The allowable range for the string are “L” and “F” corresponding to “full” and “free”.

Note: The <number> refers to the group of label description. Directives that belong to the same description should have the same number. The <number> is a positive integer which starts at 0.

Range: L or F

Default: No default.



A whole number that refers to a label type group.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



An integer which refers to the north-coordinate of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



An integer which refers to the east-coordinate of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



An integer which refers to the height-component of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A whole number which refers to the point origin group.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A whole number code for the label text font.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



Specifies the capitalization of the label text.

Range: 32 bit integer

0 = Mix of lower and uppercase letters,

1 = Only upper case letters.

Default: 0



A whole number that refers to the height of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A whole number that refers to the color of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A code in DSFL that indicates the justification of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

1 = TL (top left), 2 = TM (top middle),

3 = TR (top right), 4 = ML (middle left),

5 = MM (middle middle), 6 = MR (middle right),

7 = BL (bottom left), 8 = BM (bottom middle),

9 = BR (bottom right)

Default: 3



A whole number that indicates the orientation of the label.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A whole number that indicates how many extra spaces are needed.

Range: 32 bit integer

Default: 0



A whole number used in SNOSOR to indicate the place/appellative-flag.

Range: 32 bit integer

0 = appellative, 1 = place name.

Default: 0



The actual text for the label.

Range: max. 80 characters

Default: no_label

The parameters specific to each of the supported element types are described below.