Writer Directives

The suffixes shown are prefixed by the current <WriterKeyword> in a mapping file.

By default, the <WriterKeyword> for the C++ TFS Variable Schema writer is TFS_VARIABLESCHEMA and the <WriterKeyword> for the Java TFS Variable Schema writer is com.mycompany.myformat.tfs_variableschema.tfs_variableschema.


Required/Optional: Required

The value for this directive is the folder where the TFS Variable Schema file(s) are to be written. A typical mapping file fragment specifying an output TFS Variable Schema dataset looks like:

TFS_VARIABLESCHEMA_DATASET /usr/data/tfs_variableschema/

Workbench Parameter

Destination Text Feature Store (TFS) Variable Schema Folder


Required/Optional: Required

This directive contains the file’s feature type and the definitions of the attributes. There may be many DEF lines, one for each file to be written. The syntax for the writer DEF line is the same as the reader DEF line:

<WriterKeyword>_DEF <featureType> [<attrName> <attrType>]+