SQLite 3 Spatial (FDO) Reader/Writer

The SQLite 3 Spatial (FDO) Reader/Writer enables FME to read and write SQLite 3 database files that may contain spatial data.

SQLite 3 is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The current version is version 3.


SQLite3 data may be two or three-dimensional, and SQLite3 files store both geometry and attributes. A logical SQLite3 dataset consists of one or more files in the same folder with the extension .db or .sl3. This extension is added to the basename of SQLite3 files.

The SQLite3 reader and writer support the storage of point, line, circular arc, and polygon geometric data in .db files. Output files may contain multiple geometry types. The SQLite3 format can also store features with no geometry.