Feature Representation
In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.
Attribute Name |
Contents |
sde30_type |
The type of geometric entity stored within the feature. The valid values are listed below: sde30_point |
sde30_measures |
This is present for features that have measures when reading. To write measures, you simply build this list with one value for each vertex in the feature being written. This is a comma separated list of floating values which correspond to the vertex measures. The first value is for the first vertex, second for the second and so on. |
For tables that are spatially enabled with vector data, this is the value for the internal SDE row number as defined by SDE. |
Features read from, or written to, the SDE also have an attribute for each column in the database table.