Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Attribute Name


pod_type This will always be pod_point_cloud.
pod_audit_creatorapp The application that created the POD file.
pod_audit_datecreated The date the file was originally created, this may differ to the system date created value of the file.
pod_audit_generation The generation of the file, where each modification and resave of the file increments the generation number.
pod_audit_originalnumscans Number of original scans, note this may differ from number of original files.
pod_audit_scanpaths{} Original file paths of source input files.
pod_description_category Category, one of: Aerial Lidar; Terrestrial Phase-Based; Terrestrial Time of Flight; Mobile mapping; Bathymetric; Photogrammetric; Synthesized
pod_description_description Description of the scans contents.
pod_description_keywords Keywords describing data, multiple keywords are separated by semicolons.
pod_instrument_cameralens The camera lens.
pod_instrument_cameramodel The camera model used to capture RGB.
pod_instrument_cameraserial The camera serial number.
pod_instrument_scannermanufacturer The Manufacturer of the sensor used to capture the data.
pod_instrument_scannermodel The name of the scanner Model.
pod_instrument_scannerserial The serial number of the scanner.
pod_scene_name The name of the Scene.
pod_survey_company The company that captured the data.
pod_survey_dateofcapture The date of capture.
pod_survey_operator The operator name.
pod_survey_projectcode The project code. Does not have to conform to any particular convention.
pod_survey_projectname The project name.
pod_survey_site Text describing the site or object captured.
pod_survey_sitelat Sites Latitude. This does not affect data positioning and is for information only.
pod_survey_sitelong Site Longitude. This does not affect data positioning and is for information only.
pod_survey_zipcode Zip or Postal code of site.