PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The PNG Reader/Writer module allows FME to access data in PNG format.


The PNG (Raster) Reader/Writer module provides raster writing rather than vector-to-raster writing.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is an image format that supports a wide range of classified and continuous color models. The PNG format is only capable of supporting upto 256 palette colors as a classified image, but can support both one- and two-byte RGB, RGBA, and greyscale continuous images.

The format was introduced in 1995 as a replacement format for GIF, specifically implemented so that it does not require a patent to use compression.

The PNG writer supports the following options:

  • Generation of world file: This option will be able to force the generation of an associated Esri world file (.wld).
  • PNG optimization: This reduces the size of the PNG file without modifying the data.