Feature Representation

Path features have no geometry.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Attribute Name




The path of the file or folder using UNIX-style forward-slash path separators.

If the dataset path specified was a relative path, then this attribute will be a relative path; otherwise, it will be an absolute path.



The path of the file or folder using Windows-style backslash path separators.

If the dataset path specified was a relative path, then this attribute will be a relative path; otherwise, it will be an absolute path.



The name of the file or folder without path information.



The filename without the file extension.



The file extension not including the period.


The size of the file in bytes. Directories will have a value of 0.

If size cannot be determined or the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to No, the value will be 0.



The parent folder of the file or folder with the trailing slash using forward-slash path separators.

If the dataset path specified was a relative path, then this attribute will be a relative path; otherwise, it will be an absolute path.



The parent folder of the feature with the trailing slash using backslash path separators.

If the dataset path specified was a relative path, then this attribute will be a relative path; otherwise, it will be an absolute path.



Set to either "file" or "folder" depending on whether the feature is a file or a folder


The date and time when the file or folder was created. If the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to NO the value will be “”.

path_modified_date The date and time when the file or folder was last modified. If the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to No, the value will be “”.  
path_accessed_date The date and time when the file or folder was last accessed. If the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to No, the value will be “”.  
path_ownername The owner name of the file or folder. If the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to No, the value will be “”.  
path_readonly The read-only attribute of the file or folder. If the Retrieve File Properties reader parameter is set to No, the value will be “”.