National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The NITF Reader/Writer module provides FME with access to data in the National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) standard.


The National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) standard is composed of an image accompanied by subimages, symbols, labels, text, and other information that relates to the image. One of the main features of the NITF is that it allows several items of each data type to be included in one file, yet any data types may be omitted.

The NITF Reader supports reading of several subtypes of NITF image files, including NITF 1.1, NITF 2.0 and NITF 2.1/NSIF 1.0 files with uncompressed or VQ compressed images.

Color tables for pseudocolored images are read. In some cases, NoData values may be identified. Lat/Long extents are read from the IGEOLO information in the image header if available. Other coordinates systems (such as MGRS) are ignored at this time.

The NITF Writer supports writing files georeferenced and non georeferenced files with classified or continuous data. Files are always written in the uncompressed NITF 2.1 format.

GCPs (ground control points) present along with a projection in an NITF file being read can either be applied to the data as an affine transformation, or stored as properties on the raster geometry. GCPs cannot be written to NITF.